Corrupt Data

Hi! I recently got the newest update, and saw that some of the mods aren’t working, so I switched from the open beta to the normal version and back to the beta. However, when trying to start the game, I get this message:

I’ve verified my game data using Steam multiple times now, with no success in fixing this error. Any help?

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I think you’ll have to clear out your plugins folder.

If you want more help join the Automation Discord Server

I’m a pretty crappy person when it comes to finding folders. Where would I look to find this folder?

if this doesnt work, I highly suggest going onto the discord server, there are a lot more active people round there that could help.

Worked perfectly. Thanks SO much.

i attempted this but it still doesn’t work

Try to get rid of all mods too, just delete the whole plugin folder and verify your game files. The plugin issue and actually broken installs are what triggers this message.

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I did exactly as you instructed but it didn’t work…

When I validated the files it did say that it was re-acquiring 12 files which were missing it still failed to load into the game :frowning:

I started it up in safemode and it worked but I’m assuming safemode doesn’t load all mods in.

Do I have to unsub to all incompatible mods?

Just to post that here: the issue for @11alualhati was solved by removing all mods. Verifying the game does download the potentially broken mods again.

I have deleted the plugins folder and now the game doesn’t even launch, I click play and it just exits. any help?

Verify your game files, can’t just delete the entire plugins folder :slight_smile:

thanks, that got it working. now time to figure out what mod is breaking it :stuck_out_tongue: