CSCS4: Notruf 110, the final curtain


Trigger Warning: This is supposed to be an accurate 90s cop show, including swearing, political incorrectness (to a certain degree, of course) and the violence seen in these things. Please make sure this is suitable for you before reading.

He, Olaf! This is a brand new red Cavaliere Nobile Arco, damn the first I have ever seen in reality.

It even has cream leather like on the wishlist and the driver is alone. I will try to keep up, thankfully we have a speed limit here!

All right, Richard, nobody is watching. Drive off, I will get in it. I have my computer here. Damn, these modern locking systems are really a joy to exploit, one button, and everything is open.


The businessman chases the young car thief in his Primus Imperator, and the guy, as we know his name is Olaf, becomes nervous. Then, he discovers the car phone in “his” fancy Cavaliere.



Someone has spotted me, and he chases me in a Primus Imperator. I can´t shake that thing off, he drives too damn good.

Take the country road to Werlitz, directly to our headquarters.

Really? Have you really thought about that, are you sure?

SHUT UP AND DRIVE! I will handle the situation.

The Cavaliere drives into the warehouse, closely followed by the Primus, but the mastermind of the criminal organization waits there with a gun, shoots the driver of the Imperator, who then loses control and crashes, ending the chase with a huge bang. The boss is catapulted through the air, but lands more or less safely on his EMW oldtimer.

Some days later, in a police office in Berlau:

Rainer! Have you been drinking again? It smells like beer!

With my payroll, its definitely not champagner, boss.

STOP! Alcohol on duty, assault against suspects, disobeying of orders, Rainer, I can no longer stand back you if you don´t follow at least the basic rules in this department. And so, I have something for you. The highway patrol has demanded assistance from the Berlau City district, they want an investigator.

So what?

After many years out there in the slums you need a change, Rainer. I hope some fresh air out there on the highways will stop your idiotic habits. You are one of the best, but I can no longer guarantee you that you keep your job. A transfer for a case is the best for all of us. A businessman has been murdered after chasing a car thief. Since you are in the homicide unit, you are qualified.

No! I have five cases on my desk!

As your boss, I can tell you that you have ONE on your desk. This one! Report immediately at the department and get the car thieves. I can´t even tell how many cars they have stolen, because it changes every day. You are needed there.

The next day, the blue Globus of Richard enters a parking lot.

A Billancourt Elysee, grey, it has to be somewhere here.

Damn, another brand new model, propably the first in Berlau. THERE! Oh, what a futuristic shape. Now that you drove the Cavaliere last time, let me drive this, come on.

Richard, you have a pregnant girlfriend, you want the money, not the thrill.

But… that car!

All right, here nobody will spot us unless last time, I think it´s safe, I will take over your car and you will have fun with that thing.

But Richard made a mistake, stuck behind a senior driver, he makes a dangerous overtake in a corner, almost causing a terrible pileup - and that directly in front of Kriminaloberrat Dietrich Boehme, head of the Berlau police, who makes use of the police radio in his vehicle.

Hello? This is KOR Boehme! I just withnessed an accident caused by a reckless driver in a grey liftback, registration Berlau-GL 6352. I want that dumbass arrested!

Not soon after on the A-10:

Helmut, that is him! The boss himself ordered the arrest, we are already waiting too long for a promotion, DRIVE!

Ok, Rudi, but our car is no match for that guy. Let´s hope traffic slows him down.

Meanwhile, an old Mara gives up after more than two decades of service…


I usually hate these elephant races, but it´s useful now. Haha, now we will get you!

But Richard uses the first chance to get past, with the cops following him - and both cars face a crash now, as the hard shoulder is blocked by the Mara. While the Billancourt speeds up, the patrol car drivers know they can´t make it and brake as hard as possible.

The patrol car slams into the Mara, and starts a chain reaction including the following traffic.

Rainer Sordel is present when the whole mess is cleaned up, and he is very disappointed to not have any clue how to stop the thefts.

In the evening, Richard talks to his fellow student Frank.

Eh, Frank… can I ask you a favor?

Sure, what is it?

I need a ride tomorrow, I have an own car, but I would like to drink something there later, and Olaf doesn´t have time, he has an exam.

Yeah, no problem, just tell me when and where I should drop you off.

The next day, Rainer makes a food stop and notices a blue Saberin stopping next to a new Knightwick, with a long-haired guy exiting the Saberin and sneaking around the luxury car. He immediately realizes that this is his chance, and follows the Saberin, while alarming the others to look for the Knightwick.

In the mirror, Rainer sees how the Knightwick is opened with some kind of hacking device, and then decides to stop the Saberin by squeezing it off the road. The Knightwick is chased by a patrol car.


I am the law. I am the plumber presenting you the invoice. I am chief inspector Rainer Sordel, and you are arrested!


Car theft. Also assisting is forbidden, you dumbass. HANDS ON THE BACK!

WHAT? I WAS GIVING MY BUDDY A RIDE! Not more and not less!

Sure, and my grandma is riding a motorcycle in a barn, yes…Get in my car!

Meanwhile, the Knightwick escapes with high speed through Berlau, causing a crash that also takes out the following police car.

When handing over the car, the boss was not too pleased about the ruined front bumper, and makes plans how to get rid of the young men as soon as they might be caugt.

He then discusses also with Olaf, who drove to the warehouse after his exam, that any word to the police will be lethal.

Without the arrest of the driver, Rainer knows that he has no possibility to arrest Frank instead, as what he had told might be the truth.

So, you had no clue that your friend is stealing cars? WHO IS IT?

You can´t force me to tell his name.

You will be surprised what I can!

Is that a threat, inspector?

CHIEF INSPECTOR! But no, not yet. But listen, a man died because he followed them, and in accidents people are injured every day. DO YOU WANT THIS? I can tell you what I want: The boss. I don´t want the small fishes like him, I want those that killed a 46 year old businessman from Zeilwies, because I doubt that your buddy is the killer.

Fine, if you promise to have a good word for him at the trial…

Yeah. Believe me, they will sooner or later want to get rid of him. Come on!

Richard Winkler. His best friend is Olaf Köhler. I guess he is his partner, because he asked me to drive him because Olaf can´t… I know his usual bar, I will try to talk with him, because I am quite sure he doesn´t talk to cops.

Hm, fine for me. But I will give you company, I wait in the car, and I will listen over radio.

You won´t be able to use this for a trial, since you didn´t inform him about his rights and the whole thing is illegal anyway.

Smart kid, eh? ONCE AGAIN FOR YOU: I DON´T WANT HIM, I WANT THE BOSS! I don´t care if the proof against Olaf is valid or not, but I need the information. I will pick you up at 9 PM at your adress.

At 21:30, Rainer turns into the Nockturngasse.

Uh, what a shady area. This is where the scum of Berlau piles up. Assassins, pimps, addicts, dealers, …

…and you?

Shut up! I will park here, it´s not far away from the bar, but nobody can see me here and that you exit my car. Good luck, here is the CB radio, turn it on so that I can hear!

Frank! Look, I need your advice. You have a mobile phone, right?


Rich parents, that´s what we all want, hm? So, I will buy myself one, too, do you have any advice for me?

In that moment, a drunk man ran into Frank, which caused the walkie-talkie to drop. Olaf immediately realized that the Police had a word with him and that they use Frank to get to him, and he runs away, followed by Frank


Rainer meanwhile uses his car to block the way for Olaf, who made it to an unoccupied taxi.

But when Frank arrived, the Taxi just drives off.

Inspector, he is gone in a taxi, a Primus, couldn´t see the number.

I bet he isn´t. This trick is older than my grandma. Go on searching!

You were right! He stops another taxi, Siegfriedstraße! Can´t tell the model.

ALMOST THERE! Hurry up and get in as soon as I show up!

Of course Olaf notices that Rainer and Frank are after him… he desperately tries to figure out a trick, and then pulls his gun against the taxi driver.


Just…take the money, but don´t kill me.

I dont want to kill you, and I don´t want you hard earned money. You just need to do me a favour…

So, you use your taxi radio and tell everyone that someone tries to rob you. The guy drives a grey… eh… Eroberung ES250, registration Berlau-EW 315. You want your buddys to stop him and beat him up.


DO IT! I CAN USE THE GUN, IF YOU WANT! You drive to the intersection Wilhelmallee and Luremburger Straße, they should stop him there.

Yes, yes…I will do as ordered.

Only minutes after, three taxis cut off Rainer, and the drivers stepped aggressively to him. With his gun and his badge he could avoid getting beaten up, but Olaf was gone…

The next day, Rainer interrogates Richard, but without success… on the way back, Richard is followed, and it is his boss, pulling a gun and shooting a tire in a fast corner, so Richard spins and unfortunately crashes into oncoming traffic… and being dead on impact.

The next day, Rainer drives to the university, but Olaf is not there. Instead, he spots Frank.

I am sorry about the loss. Maybe… I shouldn´t have arrested Richard, and then letting him go free. He was dead the moment he walked out.

Tell that his girlfriend and the unborn child, inspector.

I will make sure they get offered every help they need. Now I need to find Olaf before he is dead, too.

Inspector, there he is. He just arrived at the campus, bringing back the books to the library.

All right, I will follow him.

I am going with you.


No, inspector, he is my fellow student and I want to make sure you don´t sentence him to death as well!

Olaf drove to a Zephorus - and stole it.

DAMN! Why is he so dumb? It was obvious that I will follow him if he goes to university, and then directly stealing a car? I thought you law students were smarter!

Inspector! Focus on the road!

Damn! That Zephorus is too fast. OH! HE LOSES IT!

Are… you ok?


Suddenly, a silver Nordwagen approached, opening fire on Rainers car.

Damn! Now I know why he made it so easy for me to get him! That was a fucking trap! HEAD DOWN!

Inspector, you have turned into a dead end!

I know, that was my intention.

Are you crazy? You WON´T…



Well, ice cream trucks were not available to land in, so I had to go for the… BAAAAH! Fish truck.


Yeah, not the best smell, let´s get out of here. NO! Not the door. That´s too fishy outside, I have a better idea. LET´S GET DANGEROUS!


Frank, I bet that the business man chasing your friends stepped into the same kind of trap.

Yes, but… they didn´t know that the guy would be following them, right?

Easy, he called his boss and they set it up spontaneously.

Inspector, I doubt that they stopped for a phonebox, as you heard on the walke-talkie, he WANTS to buy a phone, but hasn´t one yet.


Yes, yes, it does have a car phone! That damn thing cost me 4000 Hetvesische Mark!

Do you have an invoice already from the provider? Was there a phone call that day?

No, I didn´t call anybody yet, because I was on time to meet up with Norbert…god bless him. So, I didn´t have to call.


Sure, inspector.

I will call the colleagues in Gronwald to write down your testimony then.

Oh, I do not live there. In Gronwald where the car is registrated is just my office, but I work in distribution and am on my way across the country anyway. My adress is Parkstraße 108 in Schweinshöhe, near Berlau.

All right, I am there in 10 minutes!

Here it is… quite far out, but I am curious if Mr. Goldstein has some interessing information for me. Frank, here are some bucks for a taxi and the keys for my apartment. You shouldn´t get directly home if the gangsters know your identity…which they surely do from Olaf. I will order an officer for protection, he will arrive before the taxi, so don´t worry.

Indeed - a number was called - the number of Max Glade, who owns an import-export business, mainly trading with Archana - and it was not difficullt for Rainer to get an arrest warrant still in the same night.

Without sleep but 12 officers, Rainer blocked the warehouse, but Max Glade tries to escape with his EMW. A chase takes place, and Rainer manages to spin the classic sports car, but it then skidded into some old forgotten chemicals that seem to be explosive…

A few weeks later

So, you passed, Frank?

Yes! Let´s see if I recieve good offers from law firms, inspector. Why are you here, by the way?

In first place to congratulate you to this outstanding archievement! And… to ask you if you want to trade a desk chair against the driver seat of a fast car.

Eh, what?

Kriminaloberrat Boehme, the headmaster of Berlaus police, thinks that the highway patrol needs criminal investigators permanently, and Berlau, Karlstadt and Zeilwies recieve two detectives. Well, I was offered the post in Berlau, and I accepted. But, I have to pick a partner now.

And why you didn´t?

Boehme showed me the files of good cops, but … I think that you would be a great cop. So, my offer is, six months paid training on the job, then you will become a cop in the rank of inspector. Mr. Boehme had to…bend… the one or other regulation, but… this is my offer. Think about it, and call me when you have made your descision.

Oh, yes, that is very surprising and unexpected, inspector.

Call me Rainer.

cars used by @azkaalfafa, @Angelustyle, @karhgath, @the-chowi, @mart1n2005, @Hilbert, @moroza, @Knugcab, @shibusu, @AndiD, @DrDoomD1scord, @Mikonp7, @Ch_Flash, @NormanVauxhall, @Riley and @Hermannmatern