CSCS4: Notruf 110, the final curtain


But, as I made the descision to stop these challenges as the making is… well, I am exhausted from it.
Still, Notruf 110 became very popular here and many people enjoyed it, so, like a good series (and many other things propably too), it has to have a start and an end.

For that reason, I will produce a few selected episodes, but not a whole season, but distributed in the time from 1993 to 2008, when the show was running, to give an impression how everything changed over the years.

This means, that there is not much of a judging process and a look at engineering. The better the car is visually and in engineering, the more likely it will appear in a prominent role, but as always I will include everything that has been sent to me at least once.

Pilot movie, 1993

Kriminalhauptkommissar Rainer Sordel is transferred to the highway patrol, as a series of car thefts suddenly turned into a murder.

Cars required:

  • Rainer Sordels patrol car, a 1988 to 1993 model
  • A few luxury sedans (I will include 2 own ones, so I need 3 from other brands)
  • a 1985 to 1993 patrol car with german livery, sirens etc. are available as mods
  • any car between 1978 and 1993 for traffic

S01E01 (1994)

Rainer and Frank investigate in kidnapping and murder - and get help from a professional profiler

  • a delivery truck for frozen food of the fictional “Happy Frost” company
  • traffic cars will be used the same as above, so … if I get too much of them I will distribute them between the early episodes to give every one a bit of “screentime”
  • one well-made traffic car will be picked for profiler Petra Liehr
  • another well-made one will also get a prominent role

S01E06 (1994)

patrol officer Sarah Maier stops at a gas station for a coffee and stops a robbery, shooting the robber. His brother swears revenge.

  • mostly a reuse of cars, traffic and patrol cars can be shared with the other two episode

S02E05 and 06 (1995)

Rainer and Sarah are chasing a fugitive - it is Erwin Kramer, a dangerous murderer. When his car dies, he manages to kidnap Sarah, while Rainer follows him. Although he manages to free Sarah, he is shot by Kramer. Frank seeks for revenge and gets the special force officer Klaus Kasupke and a new partner, Harald Walkowski, as support.

  • @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T maybe a remastered Baumhauer 316t for Rainer, as he drove that model in season 2?
  • could reuse most from 1993
  • maybe a 1995 patrol car to visually differ the episodes of the second season a bit
  • brand new 1995 Sports car for Erwin Kramer

S04E03 (1997)

Klaus Kasupke does a difficult undercover job. Sarah, missing her boyfriend, approaches him despite all warnings and becomes kidnapped by the gangsters. Without informing Frank and Harry, Klaus tries to get her free by himself.

  • Undercover car for Harald Walkowski
  • entrants for Harrys car that are not considered will join the traffic to modernize it a bit
  • a nice 1997 Saberin for Klaus by @shibusu

S05E04 (1998)

Movie director Georg Zimmermann wants to produce the most realistic action movie and wanted a very realistic crash for his new movie, paying a stuntman to provoke a real accident. Will he get away with it?

  • Undercover car for Harald Walkowski and one for Sarah Maier
  • entrants for Harrys and Sarahs cars that are not considered will join the traffic to modernize it a bit
  • premium to luxury car for Zimmermann, 97/98 model

S08E02 (2001)

A man who lost his memory walks around the A2 near Berlau, causing a crash. Who is this man, and why is he chased by criminals? Frank and Lars put the puzzle together step by step.

  • undercover car for Lars
  • whats not considered will join traffic
  • Golf cart by @Knugcab

S09E01 (2002)

A prototype of a new car causes an accident on the A2 to Berlau. Will Frank and Lars be able to investigate what happened?

  • Undercover car of Lars Krüger
  • as always, those not considered will join traffic
  • a fancy prototype of a sports car in 2002, needs to be futuristic and fancy

S10E01 (2003)

On winter holiday, Lars gets trapped in a tunnel inferno. With the fire brigade, Captain Schneider and Frank try their best to get the victims out

  • fire brigade vehicles (modern for the early 00s)
  • Franks undercover car

S12E05 (2005)

Jenny Batimus is a victim of car insurance fraud. Out of frustration, she gets drunk and drugged at a party, withnessing a crime, but has no proof for it. Nobody believes her - except for Sarah. When she makes her own investigations, Sarah manages to get into deadly danger.

  • Undercover cars for Frank, Lars and Sarah
  • cars not considered will enter the traffic
  • Franks undercover car

S13E02 (2006)

A series of murder of random men at the highway is giving Dr. Resch some headache. Reconstructing the final hour of each victim finally gives Frank a clue, as two of them were working for the AHAC, the breakdown service of Hetvesias main automobile club.

  • Undercover cars for Frank and Lars
  • cars not considered will enter the traffic

S14E05 (2007)

The successful business woman Heike Bartsch stops for a hitchhiker. Months later, he is dead, and Frank and Lars have to investigate the circumstances of his passing. Will they find out about the meeting with Bartsch? And does she have anything to do with the case?

  • Undercover cars for Frank and Lars
  • premium to luxury car for Heike Bartsch
  • cars not considered will enter the traffic


A blackmailer wants to cause the eruption of Hetvesias only active volcano, threatening millions of lives. Everyone, including Frank, Harry, Lars and Sarah, as well as Jenny and Dr. Resch have to combine forces to save the country.

  • surprise me with 2008 cars

I have done all this for you all, so why don´t you tell me how you want it to end? I will pick the best proposals and will make the plot out of that!


  • must pass emission rules of the year it´s made in for Hetvesia
  • Genral realism is preferred, in design and performance for the year it´s intended
  • Don´t make it too fancy. An S-Class as car of an inspector is absurd, so is a Smart. For traffic cars, you are more free there.
  • Interiors at with a few basic fixtures, since they need to look good on screen. No need to pull off some stunning work that made you spending hours. But if a good interior is there, the car will be used for interior shots.
  • Techpool, fuel, etc… not really considered as its mostly about the design and realism this time. Nobody “watching” CSCS really wants the judging in depth, but see the cars crashing in photoscenes.
  • please look at the license plates, 1993-1998 ones should have the old design showed on the blue car, 2002-2008 ones the one on the silver car. I can provide examples and tutorials.

Discussion phase until August 01, 2024.


A greatest hits collection of NOTRUF 110? What a way to go!

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Can we send you stuff now, it’s past the 1st? Any deadline?

Yes, I will write more when back from the racing weekend. Crashed my car anyway…:roll_eyes:

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Too much racing?


Lack of traction + Galant VR4 so nothing to do but pray when losing it, is how I understood the situation. :roll_eyes:

Finally this post will open submissions.

First, a hint for the plates:
1993-1997 cars will most likely use the old design:
The Hetvesia plate size but with the background being white, and the text in the format B (or any other town you like) then a minus and then up to two letters and four numbers, like B-AA1111.

The font is a mod font called “Dongle”, represents the german DIN font very well. The round patches are the tax seal and the MOT seal.

For the episodes from 1998 to 2008, cars will propably have the new design.
This is a bit tricky but not that complicated if you know how.

So, you take a white patch and cover the hetvesia plate except for the blue part. Then you use the Oxanium font (like I did at first) or the real german one which also appeared in a mod, and I wasnt aware of it so both forms exist.

since the production of the episodes takes a lot of time, its not making sense to have an identical deadline for all…





I made the (for me) catastrophic descision that I want to produce an episode from every season…
seasons 3, 6, 7 and 11 are already covered - the rest isn´t…

I also updated the OP since the plots and cars I`d like to get are now extended. For the final episode, @AndiD made a proposal that I accepted.


A bit more than two weeks left for the first bunch

So far I only got cars from @AndiD and @Angelustyle.
@Knugcab made me a special vehicle.

@mikonp7 can you do a Bofrost (in Notruf: Happy Frost) van?

@S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T are you able to provide a remastered Baumhauer for the season 2? In Season 3, it was mentioned that Rainer had such a car in dark blue in season 2.

@the-chowi a Billancourt Elysee would be fitting for the pilot movie (your CSR161 car).The same could be said for the Knightwick K8 by @mart1n2005, in case a basic interior (seats, dash, steering wheel) could be fitted, these cars would look a bit weird in a prominent role with their windows blacked out.

So far, I am waiting for your cars to trash, the more, the better.
Meanwhile, I prepared the season 1 cars for Rainer (B-AE) and Frank (B-ES, later, B-DW).

The very first car of Notruf 110, Rainers ride in the pilot, will not be a car from me since I do this for you, so I won´t take away that prominent role from the participants.


I’m not about for the weekend but I still have the Knightwick as it was so I could stick a basic interior in for speed next week. Any particular engine or trim that would be needed?

It´s about stealing luxury rides (so my CSR161 car also has a cameo), so a higher spec is definitely making sense.

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Sure, I can tweak it a bit, make an interior and send it over the weekend.

Can See what i can do after CSR