CSR 163 - Spontaneous Tomfoolery, Begin! [FINALS RELEASED]

Quick Announcement!

Hello you beautiful fucknuggets, I’ve been away from my place due to -

1/ Personal family issues
2/ Work related bootcamp

Which means I’ve been away from my PC as well for this whole last week till now.

I know I know, it’s a recurring theme at this point that every time the cock man hosts a challenge, something in his life pops up and things go tits up. I’m aware of the memes.

But I’m backeth and CSR results will be coming in soon. I promise to drop something worthwhile by tomorrow. Thank you so much for everyone’s patience!

PS: Turnover




1st Round Knock-outs

I will make this round as quick as possible as cars in this round have managed to be either:

  • Uninteresting to talk about
  • Forcefully quirky

onceasuper by @Mausil

This is less of a first round bin and more of an instabin. I’m gonna be fast with this.

The lore claims this once “super car” had its engine stolen and had it swapped with a 10L V8 pushing a measly 243 horsepower and relatively measly 1100 nm torque.

Forget the engine swap gymnastics for a bit, did the guy steal the fixtures from it too? There’s a grand total of 14 fixtures on the car and none of them even attempt to make it look right.

I appreciate the detail of making the car do a carolina squat since the engine is supposedly crushing the suspensions. However, just because the game let you fit a longitudinal 10L V8 truck motor in there, doesn’t mean it’d ACTUALLY fit in there. That’s not how engine mounts work. Forget the suspension, the engine would fall off the car’s guts from sheer weight of it. Even if you did manage to mount the engine somehow with the electronics intact as you showed here, a truck transmission won’t fit in the car and the stock transmission would end itself on the first gearshift.

Not gonna bother with the exhaust pipe, but what the bejeesus is this?

Are they rusted out or are they forged out of someone’s shart?


Perata Milano SV4 @TaxEvasion

This little goof is honestly not a bad car. Some glaring issues I’ve found is the sort of contradictions found in the engineering. The company could afford to put multilink rear suspensions at the back, but didn’t bother with a proper helical AWD system, used a clutched LSD like old cars instead of a helical or viscous LSD, and twin-tube dampers like a shitbox spec? Not mentioning the 2-3 race mods, they’re fine.

Suspension tuning also leaves much to be desired. The 9200 RPM limit is indeed fun but with hilariously stiff springs, 0.3 bar of pressure from the rather massive turbos tell me that if the racing version of this car existed as the lore text suggests, it would’ve been quite the catastrophe because this is basically an average German grandma’s Jetta TDi with an extra cylinder. It’s good fun with all the boyracer bits and the power is there to go to 100 km/h under 6 seconds but when it comes to other sporty bits like taking a corner or giving you a joyous experience, it falls severely flat.

It’s fun to take cars like these apart and fix the mistakes automakers made while engineering them and turn them into a more capable machine. Unfortunately, the Milano faces seriously stiff competition.

Choice quote from Jazz:

“It’s like a worse Neon SRT4, at least that thing managed to corner well.”


Primus Persua 1.2 CL young @Happyhungryhippo

I like this little nugget. It’s peak chav car. I enjoy cars like these because they’re generally overbuilt for their purpose, are reliable, built with materials forged out of the cheapest plastic but easy to replace and repair.

3 cylinders and 82 horsepower pushing this 1 ton nugget actually gets a decent fuel mileage and gets to highway speed in juuust over 11 seconds. FWD transverse 5 spd MT configuration and very simplistic electronical engineering choices mean there’s plenty of room to mod the shit out of this car.

Realistically, whatever’s left after buying this car, anyone with a budget overhead of 20k would be able to de-shittify this car very easily. And what a shame, because that was not this round’s goal. If the challenge was to make something that’s relatively shitboxy, has a charm, can be had for cheap and has tons of modding capabilities like a Hyundai Getz/Accent, this would’ve been up there.

But as it stands, the “quirks” it has like the metro-lookin ass seats, the insanely horrid hot pink/purple whatever paint, the “young” badge on the side and just being stupidly cheap on all fronts.

I know how you enjoy these rather boring cars and in this case I enjoy these too, but it’s falling under the scope of this challenge.

Choice quote from Jazz:

“Perfect for a Mighty Car Mods video. Maybe for our channel too one day… but not for this video, no.”


Pittsburgh Callahan Type S Maxi @Rise_Comics

You are not convincing me this was an official WRC contending car. You are not. Get outta here with that.

Let’s get the looks out of the way.

Headlights are about 10-12 years too new, everything else is about 6-7 years behind especially the rear end on its own. And you left the fuckoff big red beamng camera visible.

Intricate interior though, I’ll give you that.


Surely you could let it rev out 500 more revs? It actually lets the engine perform BETTER.


Torque steer, negative steering feel and bleeding edge active parts in a 90s official WRC car. Yeah buddy we’re making it outta Ouninpohja with this one.

Choice quote from Jazz:

“Hah, WRC… they wish. Probably some homebuilt race car with donor parts from other cars mishmashed together. For the 16 grand asking price, I could buy an actual Evo or a WRX.”


AVG E70 by @Djadania

The AVG E70, not to be confused by abg7, he’s still stuck at version 7.0.

Same thing really.

If the joke was for it to be a really shit looking car with semi-decent internals, then unfortunately the execution for the said shit look was also shit. It’s bad and not in a charming way, pardon my bluntness.


Great taillight housing though!

Explain to me what cups are fitting in that cupholder space other than a small McCafe cup, and how the fuck the driver is reaching that far without crashing?

I believe we have a trademark violation lawsuit coming from Moroza. I understand why parts of it is done that way but it’s a bit much lol.

This is an insanely packaged car btw. It has superbly high end bells and whistles like ACTIVE COMFORT suspension and lightweight AHS steel construction.

Riddle me this though:





Whadafuq? Why LSD?


Oh cooling flaps, I wonder what the powerplant is…




So you have a kei car engine, in a decently large 2.4m wheelbase hatchback that’s been squished from the back, and the lore tells me this is simultaneously a luxury, eco, sportscar. And apparently it also sold a few thousand examples? And it’s gonna cost me $9889?

Choice quote from Jazz:

“I’d rather buy a BetterDeals”



I’d get the whole pt1 out right now if I could, but I am a master at ruining my schedule LMFAO. TBC tomorrow!


Great bin round since it manages to have the right amount of salt without being offensive, but at the same time gives off lots of constructive criticism, well done.


thank you, that was funny :laughing:


I’m glad to see that having only 3 wheels didnt qualify us for a bin :smiley:


And seeing that, I regret even more that I didn’t manage to finish my entry in time, even a bin could be funny :smile: (for anyone interested, it’s basically a mixture of Citroen BX and Subaru Forester with a turbo - with less power though; I’ll publish it some day…)


I was pretty sure I’d get binned lol. I never said I was good at engineering ¯_(ツ)_/¯


1st Round Bins (Continued from last post)

Shibuya Prohibition Encore by @ArizonaCaseo

Without much beating around the bush, I will immediately tell you this is not it. A decent handful of retromodern cars have been entered and this one severely falls flat in terms of overall design, cohesion, proportions and detailing.

This is because open wheelers like the prowler had a pretty streamlined body from front to back, instead of having a bigass nose that protrudes from the torso.

It actually reminds me more of the Prangler Concept car.

The rear end is not too flattering either IMO. It’s just a standard looking rear end that doesn’t really beat the “used to be a normal car that got converted into a boomer open wheeler” allegations.

I mean come on. That’s just not a line that’s easy on the eyes.

Not doing too well mechanically either. It’s just a weird mishmash of different parts that shouldn’t go together if considering the class of this car, which makes me think the engineering decisions were based on “green number go up”.


Quick tip, the engine would’ve been better off by letting it rev a few hundred more.


This is what I mean. You can afford to put something as specialized as tubular headers, but not a high flowing exhaust system?

Choice quote from Jazz:

"If I had to buy a boomermobile, I’d at least get something that makes me look cool and trendy. Also those front suspensions are giving me serious Mark Webber flashbacks.


Mara Zora Mk3 4.6 AMM Prototype by @AndiD

I will preface this by saying you should’ve collabed with someone for the design.

Nice attempt at a Cygnet. You actually went a step further and put in something called the “Ekonom V8” which I can only presume is a cheap and very fuel efficient variant of the 4.6L V8 in this tiny nugget. And I have several issues with that.

The engine is fully constructed of AlSi from the outside, pretty high tech machining.

And then you pull this shit off. I can confirm something for you right now, even if you leave the LFC pistons in, and switch the crank and conrods to Forged Light, you get an engine that’s lighter, is way more responsive and smoother for barely any rise in costs. The lightness contributes to better fuel economy too. This is just a case of “let me go absolutely basic because this is the economical option”. Well in this case, it certainly wasn’t of best value.

Mechanically speaking, everything else is mostly fine. I don’t get why you wouldn’t switch up the steering for the obviously sportier V8 model though.


I’ve driven a boosted Holden Cruze SRIV once and I can tell you, the insanely high torque through the FWD system paired with the numb and dead Electric steering would make this car absolutely unfun to drive.

Honestly for the base sticker price of 24100, this is a pretty well packaged car in the end. Like it goes to 100 fast, is terrible on fuel and servicing but that’s expected, turns pretty well too. But it has some issues here and there.

I’d say it’d at least get a fighting chance if it looked a bit better.

I mean, like… There’s not a lot to go off of and while I do like the headlights, everything else just kinda falls flat.

Why does the diffuser span throughout the whole cheek?


Absolutely boyracer looking wing for 2009.

Choice quote from Jazz:

Shame, some extra time on the cooking pot and this would’ve been a lot better. Promising concept, not stellar execution.


Ban Tiao Type M96 by @ldub0775 and @Vento

I sort of don’t wanna put this here, but I kinda have to.

I did appreciate the lore bit. It was funny to read and was relatively intricate.

Both mechanically, and aesthetically, this has many issues that bring it down all the way to the front end of first round bins.

I personally don’t find the design of this truck to write much about. It’s a fair bit different in its shape than the usual DongFengs, SHACMANs and FAWs. More Eastern European if you will. In terms of fixture usage and how it looks regardless of context, it’s decent. I’ve yet to do a proper full 3D build so I respect coherent looking full 3D builds and this is definitely one.

The engineering makes me feel weird about it because while it’s not exactly horribly wrong, it’s not the most believable either. I mean Chinese hybrid military truck with an SOHC V12 engine ehhhhh… We also have small cast headers with a high flowing cat, which seems like a “number go green” offense.

It doesn’t make sense to have any kind of infotainment other than basic in a truck like this but I won’t knock too much on it. It having air suspensions and having adaptive dampers with active offroad sway bars is what throws me off. It doesn’t make sense for the sort of application this truck would have unless we’re talking something super specific that I haven’t thought about yet.

Finally, we come to the issue of the fact that lore-wise, the hybrid motor/battery doth not work. If you disregard the one party trick it has with is the huge battery bank connected to the hybrid powertrain, it kinda becomes dead weight. At 14k USD, I could buy an actual used scania/mercedes/volvo bus here and there’s a possibility it’d be a hybrid 5 cylinder diesel one too. And it’d be way cooler and practical than this truck. Not to mention because this is obsolete Chinese tech, this’d be practically unfixable if something went severely south.

All things considered, this is one of the more elaborate entries of the first round bins, but it has to go.

Choice quote from Jazz:

I’m sure we could turn this into something really cool. I’m just not sure if I could get that hybrid powertrain functioning and even then, if there’s other things that go wrong in it, I have fuck all official support to lean on.


This is where we begin 2nd Round Bins.

If you’ve reached this far, good job. You’ve beaten the threshold and quality control check for le quirky cars and made it to the actual quirky list.

KMA KM310 XLC by @abg7

Yeah I can guess the origin of this machination from the name and styling of it.

This is not inherently a bad concept, or a bad idea at all. I do enjoy my lightweight, hilariously small engine, high output sportscars. The kerb weight on this nugget is insane at 515 kg dry. It has exactly what you need for an amazing driving experience and NOTHING more. This effectively has the p/w ratio of a motorbike with 110 horsepower, so it ends up going to 100 km/h in 4.9s while having the power of a Corolla. Low speed cornering is quite good but high speed cornering leaves a little to be desired. Probably has to do with not having any real aero parts.

I think it slowly starts to fall apart at two things, the prestige perception you get with a 3 cylinder engine while costing so much new and still a measurable chunk with the used car calculator. The other is how it looks. You’ve managed to make the fairly sexy McLaren body look bloated and pedestrian. It looks like a GTA IV NPC car at best. I hate being this blunt to an otherwise very decent entry, but I cannot stress enough how higher this would’ve been on the list if it had better looks.

I would highly suggest revising the looks some day because with the overall engineering and concept of this, this is really good. It gets insane fuel economy for the performance, probably needs better high speed cornering, super low service costs too. Comfort is low but who’s looking for comfort in an all carbon fiber superlight sportscar? 60 drivability for zero steering assists is something I find impressive too.

Choice quote from Jazz:

It looks like it’s from a mid 2000s video game, yet it was so ahead of time with its engineering. I’d love this in my garage but I’d never be in love with how it looks.


PlanarPG42 Genoace EX-A 2.5 by @lotto77

This cunt is very 90s 'straya-core in the sense it sort of tries to mimic Japanese cars in various ways and it has all the elements of looking good, but somehow it ends up looking rather messy and peculiar.

It has its charms and I think it has the potential to look better than how it looks right now with the exact same fixtures just proportioned and positioned differently.

You also need to do the transparent plastic bumper thing better. You either go all out and make the internals behind the transparent parts actually look good and not the default automation ugly shit or you don’t do it at all and actually retain its good looks rather than trying to make it a party piece.

Fuck you tryna do with these stretched ass lettterings?

You have a grand total of 4 lamps and 3 of them are ginormous, the foglamps absolutely don’t need to be this big. I also don’t see the point of the vent-side small lights when you already have the foglamps, because DRLs didn’t really exist in 90s 'straya cars. Like if my choice was between this and a late 90s/early 00s golf, it’d be a golf every day.

I would say the engine is fairly realistic and has respectable stats, with the quirky twin turbo 3L V8 pushing 320hp, very adequate for something as small and light as this. The single throttle body sort of clashes with the overall advanced engine and not messing with the ignition timing/fuel mapping tells me there’s still some potential that could be harnessed from this. The baffled/reverse flow combo is rather baffling too.

We also have yet another case of heavy torque steering inducing dead-feeling car with the FWD, LSD and Hydraulic Ball steering setup. Just give it a proper rack and pinion if you’re pushing this much horsepower mate, or maybe don’t make it FWD and make it a real quirkmobile. Spring tuning is definitely as default as it gets, and the car could be a lot better with a proper suspension tune.

Overall, if the looks and the small engineering gaffs were mended, this’d be a lot better of a car and would’ve made it a round above. I did not mean to be harsh by any means but I also wanted this to succeed since small hatchbacks with unusual engines and high power output is something I very much enjoy.

Choice quote from Jazz:

This could’ve had the impact of an XR5 but it’s about as good as a boosted Barina, and that’s just sad honestly. What a missed opportunity


Katami Cheers T-S by @bang6111

I enjoy this, I will admit. Has very Crown Comfort meets JZX Chaser Tourer vibes. The supercharger is weirdly accurate too considering how Toyota used them in the sporty models of their rather pedestrian cars.

My primary issue with it is it doesn’t look that special and when that happens, designers tend to go for hyperdetailing or at least detailing in a way that makes the car look very intricate. I’m not asking you to make me a 800 fixture car, but I can absolutely tell you this could’ve looked a lot better with more effort put on the design. I don’t think the base of the design looks bad, I just think it could’ve been expanded upon for an entry for a CSR.

Engineering is pretty accurate, aftermarket mods considered. ESC is a bit much for a taxi model, especially since something like that would be ripped out the minute it was modded to be a drift car. And honestly this is my other issue. You can absolutely retain its stock sleeper looks but if you want to introduce it as a heavily modified sleeper drift machine with that many mods on the lore page, you could’ve done a better job with the overall aesthetics. Like even the ride height doesn’t seem right for something that has aftermarket coilovers.

A Levin GT-Z Corolla for example.

But I digress. This is not a bad car overall and definitely would’ve gone further, if the competition wasn’t as stiff as it is or if there was more effort from the design department.

Choice quote from Jazz:

"There’s sleepers, and then there’s this. In no way this looks like a modded drift car. Underwhelming looks for the performance it has. I like it but I’m unsure of the value it packs.

2nd Round TBC… Whenever I can.

PS: I may or may not have had some alcohol in me while writing these, so the last few reviews may feel more like a rant. Let me know if you want more objective reviews.


Thanks for the review it was pretty funny lol.

Yeah but nah I should’ve made it looked more clapped out instead since it is “modified” but I ended up doing like a half and half between a yakuza tribute and then be quirky modified project drift car ala the panther body crown Vic’s.

But I was working on an automation car (it’s the one that looks like it’s a car from the mid night club) at the time that took too long to do and then I didn’t have much time to add more details in this csr entry. Oh well at least I’m not binned hehe.


Nah, I think you seem to be objective.

The only gripe I have is that maybe the small round lights on the Planar are supposed to be turn signals since I don’t see them anywhere else? But I am sure Lotto can give a better answer there.


Taken from Lotto’s discord message:

but just for some context on the lights they’re not meant to be DRLs, that’s just what I use for parking lights on cars too old to have DRLs so I can get them dimmer lol

Thanks for the input btw!

Thanks for the review, a few comments for clarification - which may be useful on a more general level going forward, interpreting quirks / lore stuff, and separating it from genuinely bad engineering (which can be a bit tricky at times):

Ekonom is just a basic propaganda name for the entire engine family (I4 and V8 with identical bores and strokes), looks like it worked. :smiley: (Mara’s 90s iron block 2V SOHC engine family is called PROGRESS because it’s, well, progress over the decades of pushrod that came before)…

Forged stuff only costs basically the same in sandbox, for campaign it costs 50m+ for forge per the engine factory, divided by the number of engines, and the car stats basically don’t change: here, a minor (+) to sportiness but also minor (-) in drive and comfort, with no change to fuel eco. So they just put a regular production engine in, without a special tuner treatment (= bespoke forged stuff).

(If, in realism terms, there should be larger car stat changes between cast and forged, then that should go into a suggestion thread on Discord, so that they can add a welcome mid/late game money sink in campaign to have the player equip all engine factories with forges to get better stats from engines with forged components.)

That’s been in the post - the base car (budget city car) has electric power steering. Electric variable might be available as a choice, but requiring +3 tech pool (so three years ahead of time), and they certainly wouldn’t put prototype tech into a one off concept car. (And obviously as well, they wouldn’t put in anything hydraulic into a car not designed for it at all, especially with an overflowing engine bay.)

Why not, so that the exhaust openers are on the sides.

Intentional, for performance division concept car at an exhibition.


I think that’s the main thing they do with concept cars actually. Isn’t showcasing upcoming technology kind of the entire point?

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Normally yes, but as per the lore post this was more an ‘educational prototype’.

Again, I guess this showcases the challenges to judge each entry by the lore nuances…

That’s why I usually send a bit of info to the host together with the entry, to explain things which may be unclear.

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Before I continue, I want to clarify something. Anyone who’s made it past the first round and has gotten binned in the 2nd round or above has made a really compelling concept and build. Simply reaching the 2nd round means you’ve received a nod of approval from my end. I’m just choosing the best car for Jazz’s channel.

Round 2 Continued

Empire Medallion SS by SC by @Atomic

Insane concept. Not unimaginable, but insane nonetheless. The side profile is very unique and turns this into a very different kind of boomermobile. This is what differentiates between a boring granddad and a really weird but cool one.

I’d like to say that this is not a particularly flattering look. It should’ve either been a lower windscreen, a full windscreen or no windscreen at all for the ultimate speedster experience. It clashes with the otherwise wide barge look and honestly it’s not a good looking contrast.

General look of the car is definitely great. Looks peak 90s American round barge. The hood detailing could be a bit more elaborate and less abrupt. Front fascia design is pretty solid and era accurate.

I can see why you made the tunnel this long but it kinda looks jarring. At the bare minimum I’d hope this is some kind of storage, because considering its length it looks almost like a camper shell.

Mechanically speaking it’s mostly fine. I have no idea why a late 90s SOHC V10 wouldn’t have VVT since there’s little to lose and much to gain with that. Especially considering you have ITBs for the MPEFI system.

Transmission seems to be in limpy mode and hasn’t been accounted for the huge power rise, since it’s only going up to 280 km/h while pushing 500+ hp. I can see quality has been jacked up just about everywhere to account for relatively high tech gear. The huge engine also probably introduces major weight balance shifts, and the suspensions (while upgraded to active parts) haven’t been tuned for its current dynamics. For a RWD long wheelbase car, you’d need better suspension tuning and either staggered tyre setup or big square tyre setup.

Otherwise you get shit like this:



Also for something that has gotten rid of all creature comfort amenities for the sake of sport and driving feel, this is exceptionally heavy and uncomfortable for the lackluster sporty feel.

In the end, it simulates the culture of turning a car into something completely different by forcing conversion kits and failing spectacularly on either ends of the spectrum quite well. By no means this is a bad build, it’s actually quite interesting, but yeah this will be a no because the base car is just so far off from the converted project.

Choice quote from Jazz:

“Intriguing, we could do so much to this starting from weight loss, transmission swap and suspension rework. But I’m not quite sure how much this is worth our time after the $12,000 asking price, if the viewers don’t like it then we’re screwed.”

Superlite Theta 64R/M by @Danicoptero

I hate to let this one go. Had the premise been a bit different and more track/sport/racing oriented, this would’ve been an easy top end finisher.

Very advanced engineering for bang on 90s with CF and AHS materials used for construction. The tiny 770cc 4 cylinder boxer might as well be a bike engine, it weighs under 50 kilos!. It’s completely straight piped too so it sounds exactly like a crotch rocket while ripping it and the power band ensures there’s a buttload of torque (for its weight) available to launch this thing. My only gripe is an engine like this certainly wouldn’t have middle of the road ignition timing and fuel mapping, but I’ll let it slide since it’s a nitpick. Very solid engine construction otherwise.

The internals are exactly as you’d expect, 4spd MT RWD and an open diff that propels the car to 100 km/h in 6.3 seconds. Very small tyres with the front pair being 155s and rear being 165s but enough to generate 1.05g at low speeds, which is pretty good for something that barely has any weight to shift to begin with. Oversteery at the higher end of speeds too, as god himself intended. It has a radio system that plays nicely with its simple electronics and doesn’t add a ton of weight. Whether that’s something that existed in the car for rudimentary comms or an aftermarket mod by the last owner is unclear. But it opens up possibilities of other electrical upgrades.

Everything else about it including the steering and suspension system is completely barren and is designed to make you feel every bump and texture of the road, as it should be in a car like this. The suspension tuning is very well done too, albeit the car has a body roll of 6 degrees but it also enables the driver to enjoy the weight shifting in real time during a corner, which can only be done in a handful of road going cars like the Lotus Elise. Not too expensive to build back then all things considered and not too expensive now either at just shy of $9000, considering cars like these generally get good values in niche circles.

Overall I enjoy this. Unfortunately I’m having to let this go. Competition is stupidly tight and I have to free up space for cars that went above and beyond to express their quirkiness. Engineering and concept-wise, this nailed the competition’s criteria, visually it sort of falls behind. Not saying it looks bad, it actually looks very very era correct and accurate overall. But less is definitely less here and it suffers from having less than the other entries. SOLID ENTRY THO!

Choice quote from Jazz:
“This is pretty hardcore, I actually want to spend my own money on this. Maybe once this video is done I might reach out to the owner and buy it out for a project…”


Akabira Kamui Wahoo! DZT 4x4 (USDM) by @supersaturn77

This very much reminds me of my previous (read, first) CSR. Would’ve made an excellent entry back then, granted we didn’t have 3D so people had to pull off a lot of stupid shenanigans to make this shit work.

Visually, very well detailed for something in this segment and otherwise a very boring 4x4 offroader SUV that’s meant to be utilitarian than a soccer mum grocery getter. Especially the campershell is very well done with adequate details and nice proportions. Lowkey looks like an ambulance from the back end but overall it’s fine. I also like the interior, and small details like the spare tire housing under the bonnet. Overall, very good stuff.

The AHS steel is an interesting choice here, I’d imagine a late 90s utility offroader platform from Japan would have Cor. Res. steel instead for maximum environmental resistance, and anti-ding strength. I’m not saying it’s completely unacceptable or impossible though. It’s fine, just not what I’d immediately expect.

Solid axle coil all around though does feel a bit weird to me. Generally by this time almost no SUVs from Japan other than one or two examples like the LC70 and the Patrols still used solid axles all around, and had moved to IFS fronts. Again, not saying this is not possible at all, you’re completely fine with claiming a seat in the “solids all around” club.

4 cylinder 4L boxer with cast iron construction and push rods is incredibly mindful and demure of you, very based. As expected of a “turbodiesel” motor of this size in this sort of application, incredibly high compression, low cam profile and soft as fuck springs, respectable RPM limit of 4k, low tech and low pressure turbo that gets the job done just fine, common rail system (MFI with ITB lmao) and an exhaust system that doesn’t choke the fuck out of the engine but still manages to keep it whisper quiet. Overall, this engine build strongly suggests that this particular variant was made for the Wahoo! or other similar road trip and mile cruncher trims in mind because the power delivery, smoothness, reliability and sound emissions are incredible for a fuckoff big Boxer 4, especially with a torque figure as bodacious as its. Well done!

Rest of the mechanical configurations are pretty run of the mill for something like this. Simple but overengineered construction, 4x4 transfer case with 6AAT gearbox and a manual locker gives it superb reliability, durability and offroading stats. Great fuel economy for the ability to haul so much weight as well, at 9.4L/100km it does a great job of not guzzling fuel. Very fancy offroad rear sway bars equipped with this package. Variable hydraulic steering is a bit uncharacteristic for a USDM spec especially, I’d expect ball steering honestly. Great spring tuning too, dead on what I’d expect for a camper SUV like this.

Overall it’s a solid entry, great car, great engineering, great visuals. Unfortunately the competition is just, once again, incredible this time around at the top end. Yet another car that’s hurting me to let it go, so take it as you will. Great stuff all around!

Choice quote from Jazz:

“Not exactly what I was looking for but… I mean… we were looking for a van in good condition for a future camping trip. I’ll show this to the gang!”


Solara NXW Concept by @VanZandt_Breda

This shit is peak Euro premium shitbox, and I’m all for it. Everything about it is just so on point. It’s overengineered in high-tech construction than improving existing tech for the sake of advancement and future applications and this is so crucial for capturing the vibes of European cars and especially concepts of that time.

Panels made of steel and aluminum and chassis made out of advanced for the time AHS steel, 5spd slushbox and FWD, 16 inch wheels and 195 tyres, big lazy brakes, standard cloth interior with premium high end CD player, lazy assisted ball steering with ABS and incredibly high end safety measures for the early 90s, and a rather nice balance of suspension tuning that’s neither too soft or too tight, but rather encourages you to get done with bumps as soon as possible rather than “wafting” over them. Do y’all see what I mean when I say this is peak Eurocar?

I mean the fact that it doesn’t get leather seats but the company spent money to put in wishbone suspensions up front and multilink at the rear in fucking 1992 says a lot about what this car stood for. It offers its experience through its mechanical hardware rather than direct physical experience.

4 cylinder all aluminum 1.4L tiny nugget producing 105 horsepower and 138nm of torque is “adequate” for something like this. The Europeans like their tiny engined sippers and this is the perfect engine for something like this, at least in lower specs. I would’ve expected Hypereutectic cast instead of pistons made out of standard cast, and balance shafts might be a bit overkill, especially when the shaft weighs this much, but it’s fine. High compression, low cam profile and VVT on the intake means pretty decent fuel economy, add rather advanced VVL system for its time which engages at 4000 RPM helps with the power delivery curve and fuel economy even further. The variable intake does mean the engine becomes quite throaty, even with the undersized intake manifold. I’d personally lose it and give it a standard mid manifold at most, and remove the high flow three-way converter to choke it a bit more for the sake of slightly more torque. Because as it is right now, the noise values are at 40 with TWO reverse flow mufflers. Definitely would ditch the variable manifold, you’re at least 150 horsepower away from justifying those anyway.

Overall, not a bad ride. Quite lazy at cornering for obvious reason and very lazy to pick up speed at 11.6 seconds to 100 km/h. Characteristically unreliable too for its general market segment, type and application, nothing bad but rather accurate. The amount of space available in it allows for quite a lot of practical use cases, I would legitimately like to see what a modern interpretation of this concept would look like.

As it is, the car’s strongest point is how it looks. I personally think it looks great. The front is about 90% there I’d say but for a concept it’s well done either way. The side profile is very nice and it gets even better towards the rear with the curve, and the rear end itself is very nice to look at.

I enjoy it. It can be polished further but it’s very nice looking regardless. Might steal some ideas. Love the semi-pano roof up top too. Overall, very accurate, on point and a solid entry. Walking among the giants of the community here unfortunately, so just like the previous great entries, the Solara has to part ways with me here.

Choice quote from Jazz:

“I would honestly put a 2.0 TDi in there and see how much better it performed, and probably swap out the seats with the leather ones… I reckon it’d be the perfect futuristic cool wagon fit for me then.”


Hurts to see these cars go, loved all of these and the previous AND upcoming entries for round 2. Competition has just generally been very hardcore this time around at the top end, I have wasted a whole-ass day previously just trying to rate the entries and I still haven’t been able to decide my top 5. But onwards we go!

Round 2 TBC…


Now this is epic

That Kamui was really fun to build, so I’m glad it was appreciated. Loved the prompt, excited to see the rest of the reviews! Best of luck to everyone else!




I think this is actually my best result in a CSR. I had a lot of fun building the Theta, so I’m glad you liked it too.

The Superlites are some of my favorite builds but I rarely get to use them in challenges. I should make a thread to showcase the brand sometime.