CSR123 - Slightly Super Saloons (THE FINALS)

You can betcho’ ass it did! That 4.9 seconds of 0-60 in that FUCKING TANK didn’t come out in one night :joy:

Thanks to Cherry for hosting this round. Really enjoyed engineering for this, and I can speak for @MasterDoggo that he enjoyed designing the car as well. Really proud of ourselves to be able to compete with all the big names in here and snag the 8th place. Congrats to everyone who made it to this round and congrats to CB :smile:

Looking forward to the next round!

PS: Chrysler A57 Multibank gang gang :sunglasses:


Congrats to everyone who participated this challenge, it’s a fun time seeing all those nice vehicles everyone made.


Excellent, excellent round of fun, skill, and balance. Insanely well done especially knowing that this is the first csr hosted by Cherry. Love this section of cars, and that brought it much needed variety. I mean it broke the record of most CSR entries…
With that said may I ask for a CSR122 style competitor spreadsheet?

Congratulations! Chickenbiscuit! A well-deserved win for a great looking car and On3CherryShake for a good round as well.

Chrysler A57 Multibank


Haha, why is everyone doing this multibank comment at the moment?

I mean if you absolutely have to, then yes. Congratulations!

And thanks again everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m so glad this round went so well. Can’t wait to see what’s next!


Can you make the spreadsheet public please? Currently it needs to request access.
I just want to know if the Pearlite Virtue had the highest comfort score :laughing:


Should be good now. Thanks google! :man_facepalming:


Chrysler A57 Multibank

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Awesome job hosting this round! Oh, btw Chrysler A56 Multibank Gang is better

But there is no Chrysler A56 Multibank

That is what they want you to think


Oooh, nice, good to see the spreadsheets. Thanks Cherry for a good round and congrats to all the finalists, especially to the winner Chickenbiscuit :slight_smile:

Browsing through the data I see that my car was one of the very least powerful - ouch, should’ve gone for the turbo, but the engine was rushed. And seeing that the only other car with my level of complex suspension was the Bonham… Yeah, I totally get why it wasn’t received well :smile: (also lulwut how was my car relatively cheap to service)


it…was a meant as a joke…

Thank you for the spreadsheet Cherry, although I fear some columns are messed up with their averages and all.


Notice I said “hack-job” spreadsheet, because I really didn’t use the averages at all. I fixed and kept what I needed. None of that was important to me, so please, chill out. I didn’t really have to release the stats at all.

Edit: let’s be done before I get upset, I wanna end this round on a good note. :))