Custom bodies?

If I were able to create a car body in a 3D program, would I be able to replace an existing car body in Automation? For example; I want to create a top-of-the-line luxury sedan, but my design (will post a picture later) doesn’t match any of the current car bodies. Would I be able to put a body I make in another program into Automation as a replacement.

Or is the file format proprietary, or something?

EDIT: before I forget, what did you use to edit the .dds files for the textures? I wanna see if I could mess around a bit with those.

The file format is proprietary indeed. The documentation for the exporting tools (which are build to work with 3ds max AFAIK) is in progress in being made. I do not think it’ll be made public soon, though. Perhaps at the full release.

Yeah, there is a pretty big tool set and a fair bit of documentation required to do custom car bodies, as well as a fairly high level of skill in 3ds max, but we will release mod tools with the finished game.

Ooh cool - are the plans to have a mod exchange? The mod-ing community is IMO helps keep a game fresh, alive and vibrant, look at how sim city 4 and Civilization 5 flourish (imo)