Custom V8 thing

Here’s an engine I made. I’m planning on using it on one of my cars when we’ll be able to do so, but it still needs to be greatly improved.
What do you think about it? Any suggestions?

Here’s the engine’s files, just in case you’d like to improve it or something. :smiley:

Well, some things jump out at me immediately. Your selected fuel is 91 octane, but your engine is tuned for 84.9 octane. Your redline is also way too low, a 3.0 liter V8 should rev to the moon. I’ve gone through and revised almost everything lol. This one makes slightly more power, has drastically better fuel economy, weighs a good bit less, and is only marginally more expensive. You can increase the power further by fattening up the fuel mix and increasing the compression.

V81GTARev1.lua (46 KB)

Thanks a lot, oppositelock! I’ll check the engine out right away.

I just tried it out, and it indeed is better! I’ll try to base myself on your version to optimize the original.

I made it get somewhere up to 300 HP and 320 ish lb/Torque it does have some bottom part failure you may want to up the quality to make it better but it just destroys the man hours and cost of materials… inno here is the engine!

V81GTARev1.lua (46.9 KB)