Dalluha, 1990. The fall of the Iron Curtain means Dalluhan cars now routinely travel to the West, not just to fashion-unconscious Archana, and the stodgy old license plates aren’t cutting it anymore. Also, some Western imports are trickling in to the Dalluhan market, and not all of them can fit the wide (European) plates.
The Dalluhan Ministry of Transportation therefore puts on a contest: design a license plate. Ideally two, one European-shaped (more important), the other US-shaped. While we may pick and choose a separate winner for each, making both, or a yet wider variety, increases the odds of winning.
The prize: every appearance of the plate for the rest of eternity will be credited to the winner.
- Use Dalluhan national colors (primarily black, with secondary colors of white, red, and yellow/gold).
- Have a blank square in one corner for a year tag.
- Use the three-star motif somewhere.
- Official-looking ministerial logos/badges are welcome.
- Stylistically resemble the vanilla Hetvesian, Archanan, and Fruinian plates, including a “DAL” abbreviation.
- Blank plate slightly preferred, hard-coded lettering ok (especially if embossed).
- Variety earns bonus points.
- PNG format preferred. JPG or BMP ok.
Contest begins now, and ends in… how about 1/31?