Damn spammers

It seems that all of these spammers list there car as β€œA Golf Buggy!”. Just auto ban anyone that creates an account with that text in the vehicle, im interested to see what the rest of the Russian spam bots drive, im sure they will all drive something else soon after the ban :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: .

Always seems to be russia and china spam bots regardless of what website the spam is being posted on, maybe there getting tired of the ladas and traded it in for a golf buggy!

That’s the default for the car field on the board.

Yeah that’s the default, I’ve deleted a couple but we can only clean them up as we see them.

Is it really, ive been here for a few years and did not know that.

There also were quite some spammers who already adapted from a golf buggy to different stuff.
Easy solution for you guys is to report every possible spam and carry on :slight_smile: There is quite some spam-bot wave in the last weeks, but we do our best to fight against them.

What’s the best reporting method? Pm a mod with the user or engage the bots in lengthy debate and convince
To end their serfdom and rise up against their creators?

That’s how Skynet got created, isn’t it?

That was is how skynet is will be was created. To use proper paradoxical time travel tense.

There’s a report button at the bottom of each post, if you press that it flags up to us there is a problem.