DelTek - Motors compagny since 1942

Hi there, (I will write in English, excuse, it is not perfect ! :slight_smile: )

DelTek is an old brand, started by my grand father in 1942, This brand is specialized in utilities vehicles ( included a very special secret branch…but we will see that later ! ). You can see the brand logo here :


My Grand father always loved the design, sport cars but the most wanted were the utilities cars and light trucks, the first to build was the Deltek Type A 1275. a perfect car built in 1942 for duty and off road with a great torque and power, an all in one vehicle !

DelTek - 1275 (24.9 KB)

This is just the beginning, my grand father hides some secrets…


I’m going to be that guy right out of the bat and suggest running your test through a program with an inbuilt English spell checker… even as a native speaker I do and it helps catch issues that harm both the professionalism and legibility. For example “Car company” in the title is spelt wrong, which is the first thing anybody will see before even opening this thread. Likewise any time with a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) is the first letter you use “an” instead of “a”. As for units, metric places use Newton meters (Nm) while imperial places use pound feet (lbf-ft).

Entitled ranting aside, I really like the distinctive yellow and fact you use a mountain in the images instead of just photoroom or mirror. It being a story of your grandfather, rather than present tense, also adds some interest, so thats a bonus. Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us as you add more vehicles and company lore.

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Hm, the car itself reminds me a lot of the Volvo Duett, which got its name from being a dual purpouse vehicle that could work as both a station wagon and a delivery van. An “all in one vehicle” that one too.

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Thanks for your message, I’m not brilliant in English :’(
Is the text better now ?

Yes ! this is a very similar vehicle ! :wink: