Discord is bad and we should use the forums more

im on mastodon!
but it feels more like a twitter alternative, not a forum or chatroom.

and ive heard things about matrix as a platform, but never anyone mentioning a matrix server they use to talk to people- do you know of any?

Yea Iā€™m in a Matrix server and itā€™s pretty good, except the UI isnā€™t nearly as good as Discord

For me those Discord alternatives could likely be used to communicate with 0-2 people, so Iā€™m not really eager to get them :upside_down_face: I appreciate Discord as a flexible communicator - big servers for me are a secondary thing, and I really only use two, and in a mostly utilitarian manner. What I like about Discord is that it has search option, pinning, threads, built-in screen sharing - which makes it, for me, feel like Teams Lite: Less Confusing Edition from the utilitarian standpoint. That beats almost every other communicator Iā€™ve used so far. Yes, Teams have that, but they have like a million other options which can get confusing, and Slack also has that, but is paid for 10+ people. Encryption? Would be nice to have, but really not my priority, not with the kind of stuff I use Discord for.

And what Iā€™m up to? Getting up :upside_down_face: And then, hopefully, something productive. Itā€™s the 4th day of the weekend for me, and so far I didnā€™t really do productive things. I should probably learn for my Thursday uni test, do something on my uni programming project due 12th, orrrā€¦ similar stuff.