Discord is bad and we should use the forums more

i say this as someone who uses discord all the time and barely ever uses the forum, but- i should use it more so hi!

whats everyone up to today?

its my first day back in the office working on more Automation content, and tonight i’m gonna watch my gf play Assassin’s Creed 2 because its a childhood favourite and she hasn’t played it before :slight_smile: we’re having fun

im chillin watching some nexpo

oh? whats that?

Youtuber, covers analogue horror topics. Really good videos

neat :slight_smile: i think my gf likes to watch similar content.
im more about the rewilding youtubers, theyre nice and upbeat. Leave Curious, Planet Wild, etc

Good question, currently making a cheese sauce for my chicken and rice.

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i love all three of those things!
that sounds delicious.
are you making it for any particular event?

No, I just need to practice making a good sauce that fits the cold winter evening so I can impress a guy.

thats so based of u tbh.
are you chasing a specific guy, or just trying to get better at home cooking in general for dates? do tell!

its summer here so all my nice hearty meal staples dont work, i need to figure out some new recipes that work in the Australian heat.
its a bit hard for me because my girlfriend has multiple stomach/digestion issues that make finding recipes that agree with her rather difficult.

i’d love to make my Baked Cheese recipe but i also have developed a lactose intolerance since Covid started so i haven’t been able to enjoy that in a while.

I’m after a specific guy. I have a few sauce recipes in general. One of them is spicy and I’m not sure if I wanna go that route. Other one is called the spring sauce so it won’t really work. I do have my curry which is always safe bet, I make delicious curry.

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cant go wrong with a good curry tbh!

I am in a extreme state of delirium due to a combination of high fever and heavy medication. I plan to go out (with a mask, of course) for lunch and then look for a brawl to expend this sudden energy!

I’ll fight you :blush:

discord is more real-time and forums is more intentional and slowed down, i think both have their own uses


i agree!

unfortunately ive also had a vibe the past year or so that Discord is on its last legs- ive been saying to anyone who’ll listen that discord will get a mass exodus within 18 months ~ 2 years from now.

so to promote internet diversity and hopefully fend off the inevitable schism that such an event would cause, im trying to use other more different platforms ^.^

One thing that has almost completely disappeared is internet forums. And the forums were like my favorite part of the internet. I liked the slow pace of the conversation.

I’ve heard bad things about Discord security. e.g. that Discord is unencrypted and that means people can hack into your accounts and see all your messages.

oh really? never heard of this before, what made you think so?

they may not be profitable yet but i think they’re pretty stable and have a large hold on the market

just vibes tbh.

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There are more open ended altenratives now, the most prominent being Matrix and Mastodon which are both open ended and encrypted