Does Daffyflyer have the best job title ever?

Hey guys fairly new here but just something I wanted to point out as question above? These days things are often polished up in contracts. I worked cleaning some buildings and was known as a ‘Health & Hygiene Operative’. This is not unusual these days as people get called all things (you won’t believe some of these but look them up on google if you don’t believe me): “Tonsorial Artist, Abnormal Situation Manager, Mother Repairer”

However Daffyflyer does not take himself quite so seriously and does not try to make it sound like he rules the world. I think his is a much more humble and modest title that still does the job but is simple and efficient. It’s in his signature:

“Marketing Guy”

That I think tells us all we need to know without sounding pompous. Keep doing good with the game guys. Also while I’m at it anyone like to take a guess at what the above mentioned jobs actually are?

Haha, Cheers, I’m “Marketing Guy” as I usually end up being the guy who finds places to buy ads and replies to forum posts, so its a pretty un-exciting and not particularly grand titles.

I like the fact that my girlfriend had “Administration Executive” for an entry level admin job, sounds like a high level management position, but its just plain old admin

One word … “discreet”