DotCarDumper - Dump .car files to readable data

Dump automation serialization to a readable file

This little tool was made as an example to show how to handle automation’s data serialization and turn it into useful data.


There are two ways to run the program:

1: Run the executable and select the file in the file dialog
This will result in the output file to be placed in the same folder where the executable is located;

2: Drag the file onto the executable or pass it as an argument when running the executable
This will place the output file in the folder where the chosen file is located;

The program accepts any file using the same serialization method .car files do.
Therefore it can be used not only to open .car files but also to open some database entries (e.g. tech pool, fixtures, etc.)


The purpose of this program is purely educational, the intent is not to generate useful data but to show an example of how data can be extracted.


You can download the tool from GitHub Releases

Source code

The source code is available on GitHub

Learn more

You can learn basic information about how automation data is serialized from The Data Serialization Forum Post