The year is 1975. Japanese kids are crazy about “supercars”, and companies are releasing “supercar” merchandise such as models, drink caps, and even records of exhaust sounds.
Comics are also one of the materials children read to know more about them, and we have Shin’ichi Shiomi, a comic artist planning to capitalize on the boom and draw another comic with “supercars”. With his plan greenlit, he plans to buy a supercar for himself not only to experience how it drives but also to get real knowledge from other owners.
There’s a catch, though: In mid-late 70’s Japan, the word “supercar” covered anything from the Lancia Stratos to the Lamborghini Countach. In another way, “supercar” meant “(mostly) European sports cars”.
- The trim or the engine variant should be no newer than 1975, for organization purposes.
- All entries are scored only by design, mostly by my eyes, scored relatively to other cars. Tie-breaking if it happens, will be done with a popular vote on this thread.
- However, in case you have how your car should be in your mind (eg: lightweight, agile car? or high-powered car? or something else?), please try to at least loosely reflect that with engineering decisions (no fine-tuning needed). This will not affect judging, but not doing so may lead to your car being mislabeled.
- All entrants are not required or encouraged to enter with a European brand. You can use your Japanese or American brands (or others) if you wanted, and it will not affect the judgment. Additionally, lore is not required or encouraged either.
- Any entrants should send their entry to Urbanliner, the host, on this forum. If they cannot, they should contact Urbanliner to coordinate an alternate way to send entry.
- One entry per person.
- Additionally, entrants are recommended to put a picture of your car (or some more), in order to clarify you entered. It may be used by Urbanliner on the results post(s). If none provided, a picture taken by Urbanliner shall be used in place. I, Urbanliner, will use mostly the same settings for cars without pictures.
Naming rules
- car Model: DSC - (your username)
- car Trim: Name of your car
- engine Family: DSC - (your username)
- engine Variant: Name of your engine
So, if I were to enter with a car called “Alpha Bravo”, with an engine called “Charlie”, my model and family are DSC - Urbanliner, my trim is “Alpha Bravo”, and my variant is “Charlie”.
Submissions are CLOSED as of 2019/10/30 22:00 (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM)
Please notify me of any mistakes, unclear phrasing, and such I made.
This is my first time hosting a challenge, and although I will do my best, I could end up messing things up. I will make sure to post results, though.