OK this is DSD we provide crate engines (post 7) and are a medium sized modern Australian manufacturer. We build high quality family sports saloons and also specialize in kei car engineering. Darksinhes collect classic car and can be found in page 8
Key players at DSD that you will need to become familiar with.
Name: Darkshine’s (real name kept hidden to protect the interest’s of the company)
DOB: 05/04/1985
Country of Birth: Australia
Darkshine’s became CEO simply by good fortune. When he finished high school in 2002 it was become known to him that when he was born he had inherited many millions of G.B.P which over the years had incurred a substantial amount of interest. (the reason Darkshine’s does not reveal his identity is that no other members of his family received a cent and he would like to keep it that way and live a relatively simple life.)
Now at the time the money was still in G.B.P and after almost doubling the original amount it was converted to A.U dollars to the sum of $529,149,732.47. A proverbial shit load of cash!
Darkshine’s was always a car guy and had been drag racing since well before puberty so it came as no real surprise when he decided to invest in cars. Originally playing with the idea of purchasing some of the rarest muscle cars and the most unusual European GT’s, but it was in his blood to tinker, to race and to DRIVE! So DSD was conceived. The bastard love child of ANZhotrods, Darkshine’s purchased the failing companies warehouses sold the machinery and repainted, voila DSD was born!
Now Darkshine’s keeps his private life well hidden so not to much is known about it.
We do know that he is an insomniac and it can play havoc in his work life, with him falling asleep in the middle of board meetings on average 50% of the time.
He loves to drag race and still to this day competes in super street under his real name.
He has a fondness of certain fish!?
And finally he doesn’t get mad…ever.
Cars Owned:
1946 ADCR Lusso
1951 Monolith Kombi
1956 Monolith N series 380P diesel
1964 Harris Nuthatch 2.0 Coupe
1969 Meliora Andron LM #002
1970 Smooth Wolf TA
1970 Saminda CZ5
1972 Erin Lera 200SL
1973 ford Falcon XB GT coupe (DSD/RPG modified)
1982 Airborne Persephone
2004 DSD Saratoga D model
2013 DSD Irukandji DS #0085
Head Of Staff
Name:Marcin Zmianski A.K.A The Boss
Country of Birth: Poland
Marcin was Darkshine’s first employee, the two met while Marcin was backpacking in Australia and stayed with Darkshine’s family when he was younger. Marcin is an Engineer by trade and formally worked for the largest manufacturer of Engines and Turbines in Poland. When Darkshine’s made the decision to build a car company Marcin was the first to back him up leaving his job and home country to help establish DSD. By the end of 2003 Marcin had the machinery up and running, the first employee’s assigned their roles and had finished the engineering behind DSD first production vehicle the SARATOGA.
Now Marcin is a Pol so he has some different…lets call them quirks, than most of DSD’s employee’s and one of them drive’s the other big-wigs at DSD mad and that’s when he eats rydze mushrooms. They are horrendous and the smell waft’s thru the offices and makes people sick.
Marcin is often simply know as the Boss, he doesn’t fuck around with his word’s or intent and has a on/off temper that annihilates whoever is on the receiving end.
Marcin never married as it is not yet legal in Australia for two men to marry each other. Marcin’s partner incidentally is our engine divisions head of staff. However he loves to surf (pity that DSD is located in central south QLD) he love’s a smoke (and not just the legal type) and he love’s his fishing. Quite often he will be found down by the river catching dewfish an Australian Catfish that is shaped like an eel.
Cars Owned:
2007 DSD Cassowary DR6 TURBO
2016 Maesima Avellca ST-Z
Engine Division head:
Name: Adam Delaney A.K.A Puncy Pom
DOB: 1969
Country of Birth: UK
Adam Delaney was brought aboard before the end of 2003 to put the designs and maths from the page to raw iron. Before joining DSD Adam was a head mechanic for koenigsegg and had a hand in procuring the Ford modular v8’s that were used in their vehicles. He lives and breathes v8 engine’s and behind Darkshine’s is the driving force behind DSD’s v8 only policies. When on a lathe or operating the CNC machinery he is in his element and there is no better v8 designer in the Automation fraternity.
Adam has always been openly queer and will quite often joke that he should be the poster girl for DSD. He has a heart of gold and has a tendency to bring stray pets in to the office to try and re-home them. One of the only people Darkshine’s clashes with personality wise as Adam is completely against hunting and constantly informs Darkshine’s how unfair and cruel it is. He does however love to fish which causes the classic argument between himself and the CEO on whether fish can feel pain or not and whether fishing is the same as hunting.
A true English gentleman his accent is very southern Britain and we often find him hard to understand. Adam’s biggest downfall is like his partner Marcin he enjoy;s a smoke and constantly must have his office monitored as he smokes inside and takes the batteries from the smoke alarms.
Cars Owned:
2005 DSD Saratoga E (converted to apply with A.D.R Standards)
2008 DSD Cassowary 8
Erin and ErinSport - Historical Thread ['62 Erin Ghaleda]
2016 Erin Nardella Xworks Special

Head of Marketing
Name: Elise Dontwashinriver A.K.A: B.A [inside joke stands for big arse, but Elise thinks it means Bollywood Angel]"
Country of Birth:India
Elise is a unit. “hired” in 2004 (she had a obsession with Marcin and would come into the office every few days asking for a job) Marcin finally gave in as a marketing head was needed and who better than a woman to do it! For the first month she simply followed Marcin around like a bad smell, when it was finally revealed that Marcin was gay Elise’s demeanor changed very quickly. No longer was she the helpful young girl smiling and laughing with everybody. She was a Devil Woman!
Now Elise is large, we mean really large, she has one of those body that from the belly up is a size 8 but from the hips down is closer to a 30 (we don;t know clothes sizes just guessing what the largest is) When she is in a rush (always) she will cannonball as we call it down the hallways squashing anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in her way.
Now married with 16 children the only personal information we have is that she drink’s alot at the x-mas party and still has a thing for Marcin.
Cars Owned:
2005 DSD Saratoga B
2013 Griffin DL6
Tame Racing Drivers
Name: Tim and Jim icantsaysix (twins)
D.O.B: 06/09/1987
Country of Birth: New Zealand
Tim and Jim are DSD’s semi-tame racing drivers. These two were hired after the ANZhotrods fiasco finally cleared over an allowed them to break their contracts. With some success in Australian touring cars it was the New Zealand amateur rally championships and races that these two truly cut their teeth on. Having two drivers allows DSD to split up their roles and get two sets of data sets from two very different styles of driving. Tim focuses on everyday usage and highway testing while Jim run’s the cars over the test tracks.
Tim and Jim are twins, however they are quite different. Tim is brash, loud and somewhat obnoxious. Jim on the other hand speaks only when spoken to is very polite and laid back.
The two were born and raised in new Zealand sheep country close to where the Footrot flats cartoons were said to be based on. Both are very camera shy and hide away from the media allowing B.A to deal with the public.
Tim and Jim are not married, they are a pair of Kiwi bachelors living in Australia and most days of the week a new pair of panties is placed on the back wall of the employee parking lot.( a habit Darkshine’s abhors) Both are quite large drinkers and have often said if they were not professional drivers they would be pissed 24/7.
Cars Owned:
1982 Airbore Persephone (DSD modified drift car)
Head of Finance’s
Name: Margaret Ipinchpennys
D.O.B: 09/27/1987
Country of Birth: United States of America
Marg was hired later than the other big wigs at DSD, and was not brought into the company until 2007. Before coming to DSD and Australia Marg owned and operated a cannabis dispensary in Colorado and was hugely successful. She was introduced to Darkshine’s after she purchased a late model SARATOGA and constantly complained to the Dealer Principal of the dealership she purchased it from. The complaints got to the point where she had Darkshine’s home number and would call 2-3 times a week. So in the end Darkshine’s challenged her to do a better job than he was. And she did, as it was only after Marg was hired that DSD made a small profit for the finacial year.
Marg was the sole driver force behind DSD’s greatest success story the Irukandji Kei car.
Marg married a well known NRL player shortly after arriving in Australia and used her position to establish herself as a Networking Diva and has the title of the Australian Kardashian. Constantly in magazines and on television Marg and Elise have a large rivalry in house and clash quite often.
Cars Owned:
2005 DSD Saratoga D model (lemon)
2006 DSD Irukandji (AU)
2011 Bogliq GL
All owned cars where purchased after the team member joined DSD with the exception of Margaret Ipinchpennys 2005 Saratoga D
History behind DSD : to be written