Dynamic Wheel and Tyre Sizes

Over the last few days we have dynamic wheel and tyre sizes working, here is a small demo video of it:


Now that is awesome! :sunglasses:

Looking better all the time… which is kinda the way I’d hoped it would go!

:open_mouth: They is way beyond what I had ever hoped might be in for tire and wheel sizes! You guys are nothing short of amazing!

when do you think you will be realeasing the demo

but will you be able to alter the sizes independently like maybe i want to make a drag racing car so could i make the rear tyres big and keep the front tyres small ?

That’s really awesome, also the fast and responsive physics. Can’t wait to play the game.

Beautiful and bouncy.

Looks awesome guys! This project is really coming along nicely, and i think it has already surpassed alot of peoples expectations!

Is it possible the sizes while clicking on the vehicle render, instead of some slider on the GUI?

Fantastic guys! keep it up, simply amazing! :slight_smile: I love the way the chassis and suspension interacts with it when you change sizes… Real time for the win!

It is possible, sliders are the quickest thing for me to make. Having everything as nice intractable objects in the scene would be awesome, but I don’t have the time :cry: