Effects of fracking on North Anerican auto market

I just read a artical about energy costs in Germany skyrocketing resulting in several companies moving operations to the US due to LOWERING energy costs including BMW. I thought it would be a good time to get youalls opinion on the matter and how lower energy costs and a overabundance of energy here will effect the auto market. Statements conclude that by the year 2020 the US will be by far the largest economy that gains energy independence and become one of the worlds largest producers of energy and exporters (if the law makers get the ban on exports lifted) a result of the OPEC crisis 4 decades ago :laughing:

The current energy boom taking place in the US is mainly a short-term boost made out to be a long-term solution, which it is not. Energy prices and costs in general are skyrocketing due to irresponsible fiscal policies (the money tumor known as QE) and absolutely corrupt and fucked-up politics. There won’t be any big fracking effect on the automotive market, the little boost that comes from it is more than offset by the wretched outlook of the US economy… there is and will be no recovery. The current propaganda states otherwise, but the “energy boom” is but wishful thinking:

zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-2 … disappears

Latest report shows US recoverable oil reserves top Saudi Arabia. With that much economically recoverable oil it hardly sounds short term. The natural gas boom for example, the US is in discussion with the EU to transport natural gas to cut back on Russia’s ‘strangling tenticals.’ That is a effect of the energy boom. I do have some doubts, but I live right in the middle of the Keystone pipeline and fracking booms and know people building the pipeline and working in N.D. and not 1 of them think its temp, but a god send. North Dakota for example is expecting to double output my 2020 given no more set backs. I think optimism should be asked for :slight_smile: