My game freezes (on the rare occassion it will show an error / bug report) every few minutes.
I recorded everytime the game would crash across the period of an hour or so and it came out at a total of 23-24 crashes / freezes. I’m not sure what’s causing this but it’s become a real annoyance since I can’t do anything when the game freezes and I just have to sit there and look at it for a minute or more until it closes down by itself (The worst offender is when it takes up to five minutes for the game to close).
Everytime I do some fine tuning on the gear spacing, engine, etc it tends to crash.
That certainly is not a normal thing to happen.
There are a few things to try / consider:
- Have you overclocked your GPU?
- What GPU do you use? Is it an AMD RX series card or Vega chipset (they don’t gel well with UE4 due to driver issues)
- Have you tried lowering your graphics fidelity and limit the framerate? Could it be instabilities caused by overheating?
A similar thing happens to me, usually with what he said, and when I’m working with in depth fixtures, it also happens when I’m exiting out of a window.
My GPU is not overclocked
My GPU is a GTX1060
My PC stays at safe heat levels, and the settings are on high, limited to 60 FPS
Have you tried to lower your settings and limit to 30? Does it still happen then?
I run a 1060 as well, and never have these issues. Do you have any specific anti-virus running?
I only have windows defender, I’ll try that thanks.
My GPU is not overclocked as far as I can tell.
My GPU is the AMD Radeon R9 360 Series which should be good enough to handle the game I think at least on the lower settings I use when editing cars.
I’m always running the game at the lowest settings and capped to 20 FPS when not designing or doing anything where I need to see the car well. Funnily enough the game is quite stable when actually moving fixtures around even at higher settings (Even if my game runs out of memoery at too high settings it says even without touching anything).
I took a look in my task manager when the game was running and my ‘‘Memory’’ is at 70-90% usage which is quite weird, GPU never goes above 10% at low settings I believe, and the CPU jumps quite a bit but sometimes it cuts and goes down to like 5-10% usage which is what I believe to be the problem.
My CPU is an i5-6400 @ 2.70 GHz, and I have 8 GB of RAM.
Could we get a game log. UE4 4.17 does have issues with various recent Radeons. Although R9s should be fine, as we have a couple in the office.
You can get to them by clicking on the Game Logs button on the launcher. Cheers
It’s very odd because I was finishing up a car today and I had maybe one crash, it seems to be very random which makes me believe it’s my PC. My PC has had these issues when I’m playing GTA 5 too so I think it’s a setting I have on my computer, or my PSU is just crap which I’ve heard is an issue with this PC.