Engine Types forever!

1.403 isn’t pi! :stuck_out_tongue:

1.40312? nope still not :wink:

03.14 pherhaps? :wink:

14,03 maybe?

It’s a Pie not Pi.

What? It`s PIE-day?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I gots to get me some sweeeeeeeeeet PIE! :ugeek:

there are some advantages to living in a country that uses a goofy date format :slight_smile:

Mmm pie…

bye bye, miss american pie…

no wait…

damn G/F and her movie preferences

Any news on if diesels will be available at some point? Since they make up such a huge part of the market now, surely they’re more important than fancy petrols (I feel dirty saying that! :frowning: )

Pfft, nobody want’s dirty diesels, you know they suck really.

Le Mans.

That is all.

AFAIK, the petrol engines is Le Mans have more restrictions than diesels, and that’s why Diesels are good in that race.

And I want Diesels, you can successfuly sell crappy engines with higher price tags than petrol one. Seems so Alfa Dave S.p.A.

Don’t mess with this old Diesel or petrol discussion again.

Afaik modern Diesel engines produce lesser fine particulates than a modern fuel injection petrol engine.
And that is fact. Also it is fact that Diesel Engines are more efficient than any petrol engine ever good be.

That’s based on how they work etc.


Also a fact that they suck ass compared to the equivelent petrol :smiley:

I knew this would cause a slagging match! :stuck_out_tongue: Both engines have their own qualities, let’s leave it at that.

I did have a look around to see if they’d been mentioned but couldn’t find anything.


Oh god no, far easier to make them properly, however there is a lot of resuse of existing art assets when when we make the different assets[/quote]

Just to pull the discussion back a bit…

I’m reminded of the Creature Editor frrom Spore with its kind of modular placement of limbs and related accessories. Would it be possible to implement a kind of modularity to the engine design? Such as having a limited space to house an engine (based on the capacity of the body of the car), different places to fit the block, cranks, shafts, etc. The engine could then be built logically in steps, place the block, cylinders, shafts, intake/exhaust, etc…, quite like the Creature Editor.