Enough of small engine bay's ? increase it

after researching, modifing, crashing i found it

change morph width

before i couldn’t fit a v8 86mm
after i could fit a v8 100mm

is it madness ?. no its sparta

I don’t really see the point of this? the game is about realism and squeezing the most out of what you have, show me a production hatch with a 8.6lt V8…

it’s cool you figured out how to do it though ; )

[quote=“roller88”]I don’t really see the point of this? the game is about realism and squeezing the most out of what you have, show me a production hatch with a 8.6lt V8…

it’s cool you figured out how to do it though ; )[/quote]

its a bit stupid i know. i mean who will buy a 450.000 $ hatchback, which almost uses 0.5 liter per 1km

Ha! that’d be an interesting buyer Demographic ; )

This will never be allowed in forum challenges.

He should know that, as we told him in his last thread on this.

He probably does, but I don’t think all those who will see this know it.

I don’t understand why you had to create another thread for this. The one in the 3d modding section was alright as is.

for your information i don’t do forum challenges nor competitions. thats just stupid

it could be said that stupid is labelling about 3/4 of the active community as stupid.
But being stupid could also be managing to quote the wrong person, only to talk crap. That’s just stupid.

See, Automation is a game for people who want to build their own cars. The actual cars, limited by the real limits. The fuel, the materials, the technology, and, you guessed it, the engine bay size. Many people want to test their skill, by challenging each other, by competing. Dismissing that as stupid is wholly disrespectful towards them, so please, PLEASE, come up with some better arguments, and keep the community awesome.

[size=50][color=#222222]I mean, I get ya, you can’t even build a car that’s just powah and absolutely nothing else (let alone competing in actual challenge or competition) and have to resort to cheating.[/color][/size]

[quote=“Leonardo9613”]it could be said that stupid is labelling about 3/4 of the active community as stupid.
But being stupid could also be managing to quote the wrong person, only to talk crap. That’s just stupid.[/quote]

im the 1/4 one. the inactive one

Then feel free to mod the game to your hearts desire, just dont insult the others here that play by the “rules” set by the devs as they create the game. The rest of the community seems to really enjoy these “stupid” challenges and races but I guess we’re all just sheep following the “man” with the stick. At this time I dont see the point in this “mod” though, it looks ridiculous when the tires stick out so far from the car that it is in F1 territory. And yes, I do have the Community Mod Pack that has those couple of modified bodies with HUGE engine bays, I never use them, too unrealistic for me, feels like I am cheating.

That being said, keep up the modding as you see fit, you may eventually stumble upon something cool and useful that everyone will be interested in, this is how some of the best mods are made just by someone changing config files and seeing what happens.

Just my .02