Experience with VW Beetle with Subaru EJ20 engine?

Hey there,

I saw a VW beetle with a Sub EJ20 engine. Most of the body had been fixed up. And the original drum disks are re pleased with brake disks.

Looks like a nice car! With a powerful and sweet sounding engine.

But does someone have experience about the VW beetle or the Subaru engine?
Tips where I should look for?


About subarus yes, a bit.

That sounds like it’d be lethal.

I approve. Sounds great fun.

There are a lot of variants of that engine that all come under the EJ20 banner, various block/head designs and stuff over the years all at different power levels. Depending on what it is and if it’s standard, plenty of people seem to say they’re soft engines, but a lot of that will be down to poor modifications or maintenance given the type of car they’re in. Like anything you’ll get some failures, but hey, they’ve been around for years in cars that get absolutely hammered all the time and you don’t hear of them going bang every 5 minutes.

MCM made a EJ25 swap into a Beetle

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I normally don’t click links posted, but in this case I had to find out how they worked a radiator in there.