First screenshot/Last screenshot sharing

like that

First screenshot (pretty bad ofc)

Last screenshot

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First screenshot:

Latest screenshot:

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From what’s still on my pc and hasn’t been lost in the aether (aka pc reinstalls):

Earliest screenshot:

Latest screenshot:

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The earliest screenshot I have is of the Keosaqua Metronome from February, 2023:

And this one is the Van Zandt Solara NXW, taken yesterday:


What a difference nearly a decade makes…

Stop, you’re making me feel old! XD

For those wondering what we’re referring to, the first car was made in 2017, back when I first started playing Automation, which was on Camshaft Software’s own Kee Engine at the time. The second was made the day before yesterday as of when I’m posting this reply

I don’t have photos from Kee unfortunately. This is as early as I still have records for, February 2019, despite playing the game for 3 years beforehand (oops)

And this was yesterday, similar era of car but a little different. Same with the photos :slight_smile:


First photo. This is actually also my first car, but I dont have the file anymore :frowning:

This is the last one that I took a few days ago


If you exported your first car to Beam, then I suggest checking its archive in Beam’s mods folder; the devs have left a little surprise in there for you :wink:

The first screenshot


The last screenshot