Does isometric mean equal length? I thought that’s what the race tubular headers were.
Tube headers would be a rational addition seeing as we have racing headers for N/A engines too. IRL a tube header can lower an engine’s boost treshold rpm by as much as 15-20% compared to a log manifold.
The engine designer revamp is doing away with these options and making everything better. go watch the video.
[Future Engine Designer Revamp Discussion:
I’d forgotten about that!
It doesn’t get rid of everything - there’s still a difference between different types of headers and intakes - but it changes what the tradeoffs look like substantially.
IIRC correctly intake and exhaust systems wil be overhauled soon.
Soon"ish", I linked the video killrob put up last October about the new engine designer above. Nothing is happening before the unreal engine changeover.
Well by soon I meant before the forced induction overhaul