
I don’t understand how it’s more difficult though.
Using @Packbat as an example, he was looking through the BRC 1976 thread for a certain post about results. All you have to do is press ctrl + f, put in “results”, press more (if need be) and scroll to the bottom and bam, you get the latest post with the word “results” in it.

Or i could just remember a single page number, click once, scroll up or down and be done. Searching “results” in that thread brought up 10 different post, which i had to click show more to display all 10, then read each post to figure if “results” were the right context i was looking for. Wording varies alot more than post count or page number.

Read each post? wat? Just look for Der_Bayer’s name and see the one where it says “Here are the results”. You’re just making it sound more complicated than it really is.

Or just go to the first post, where I link every result, video, whatever. :wink:

Side note: Below the first post there automatically is an overview over the most relevant links in a thread. Might be worth checking out. You can even summarize the topic and only show the most interesting posts.

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Let me more clear then, using ctrl + f in brc 1976 thread, you get 10 post containing the word “results”, you have to read each one of those snippets of the post to find out which post is the correct one for the practice race results. On another note, something as simple as spelling will make ctrl + f harder. But in the case of the BRC thread, it is easier to search for practise results, as its already posted in the thread title.

Not every thread is searchable by a simple term. Is this a big issue for the forums, absolutely not, but i find page number/post number easier.

It also depends on how well the OP manages the thread as well, something like BRC is quite easy to find the information you want.

In that case, tell me some situations where having no pages “is a big issue”. If you’re gonna say that something like the BRC thread is easy to navigate around, then I can’t possibly think of any scenarios where the infinite scrolling would be a big issue.

Guess the car thread, review threads etc. We could sit here and argue pointlessly about how we read forums, ill just end it at that, nothing we say will change each others opinions, and the forum change is done and over with. Ive used facebook for 6 years and just cant stand infinite scrolling to this day.

Another thing i dislike.
I press “END” on the keyboard -> it scrolls down to the end -> LOADS something from the internet -> displays it (slower than the old forums)

then i press “HOME” -> it scrolls up -> again LOADS something from the internet (which he just displayed seconds ago …), displays that -> AND SCROLLS DOWN A FEW LINES -> so i have to mousewheel up to get to the “home” link on top of the page.

so it’s slower to navigate, and it uses more bandwidth in the process.

EDIT: and to usage on a 4k display. When using half the screen, the forum still looks hilarious.

Try putting a postal stamp in a 1x1meter pictureframe, and hang that in your livingroom. That’s how it looks right now!

Im going to be frank, have you even read any thread, or just slap your keyboard like a walrus. You dont have to scroll to the top to click home, click the automation symbol at the top left, that will take you home. To get to the top of a thread, click the numbers at the bottom right, then click top.


There are people out there, who actually know how to use a keyboard.
But hey, with hipstersoftware it would be better to have a fucking touchscreen in portrait mode.

Did you know that this forum can still be used in a simliar manner to the old one using what me and others have pointed out in this thread, not everyone has a 4k monitor, the width of the text is fine for a 1080p 16:9 screen. Did you know you can use ctrl+ to zoom and increase the width of the forums? But i guess, you just too focused on a forum layout from 1995 and are not willing to even attempt to adapt and utilize the features and layout discourse has.

Even on my 1920x1200 it’s not using the whole width.
Increasing zoom doesn’t help, that will actually display even less text, so it’s another step in the wrong direction.

I’m eager to try new layouts and technologies, but not if it ONLY has disadvantages for the user!!!
more bandwidth usage
less text displayed while not displaying customized userinfos anymore
automatic recognizion of users gone
i did not find a single advantage for me yet

Well, what the paged layout means I could write a post, that post would land at the last spot of a page, someone else posts, then my post gets buried. With the infinte layout, it’s not a problem.

There you have it, your single advantage.

Or the fact that the draft of your posts is kept saved even if you leave the thread. Most of the time, this means one button press more, I agree, but if I’m working on an essay to tell someone about the advantages of this new forum, for example, I can actually take a break and browse through some topics in the forum without having to open a new tab while still being able to work on it. And if I don’t want to see it for a moment, I can just hide it away.

And that is just one example of the extreme flexibility of this format.

Also, another one I just thought of. Quoting of highlighted text. That actually is pretty neat. This means I can tell you easily that [quote=“mer_at, post:71, topic:15631”]
is nothing but noice without meaning ;)(automatic emoticons and shit)

Just love to see people arguing that remembering a page is easier than clicking ctrl+f.

I’ve lost count how many times I thought I knew which page a post was in and then spent several minutes fishing it, going through several pages, just to use the search function after all.

Also, discourse DOES NOT load the whole thread, so it isn’t slower and doesn’t use more bandwidth. Even if you click home or end, it just loads the first/last few posts.

The thing too is that if they find it easier to remember a number, you can manually input a post number in the xx/yy box at the bottom, so it doesn’t really change that much.

As for bandwidth, unless people post gigantic gifs (which are still not allowed AFAIK), the bandwidth used by the forum is pretty much nothing. You probably use a lot more from just updating the game, especially if you are in the beta.

Upload limit is 3MB atm. If bigger gifs probably best upload to say imgur and let it convert it to gifv. Or to another image site that converts to webm.

She. She was looking through the BRC 1976 thread.

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You could be a bit more polite about it, but I get the point.

I just want to say, it did take a little bit to get use to this new forum, but now I am really liking it.

The new features are nice, as well as being able to use bbc, html, and whatever the new code is to format our posts. I have not tried out the bookmark feature yet, but I bet that I’ll make finding Packbat’s BRC calculations (as an example) much easier.

Html break code between this and the paragraph above.

That horizontal rule above me is html code. [b]This is a bold test. With bbc code.[/b] ###Headder 3 test (with new formatting code) These are the features I am liking Also the layout, though at first seemed slightly odd, is actually very nice. The topic progress bar at the lower right is easy to use.

Just thought I would post some more positives for the forum due to the bickering I’ve seen in this critique thread.
(Also I it’s properly spelled critique. The title is misspelled.)

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