Game Crashes on Export During the Creating Thumbnail Step Every Time No Matter the Vehicle

My game crashes EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to export my vehicle(s) to Beam.NG Drive, always at the part of the process that reads ‘exporting thumbnail’. I have disabled all mods, changed thumbnail quality, lowered in-game graphics, changed Beam.NG’s directory, verified the integrity of each game’s files, reinstalled both Automation and Beam.NG, checked my program prevention history, disabled Windows Defender to the best of my ability… Please help. I just want to be able to drive my creations on this computer. I’m not sure if there is a conflicting script, program, dll, or whatever it could be that’s causing this issue… I got this laptop at a pawn shop and immediately factory reset it. Like fully reset/restored it; the option with the longest duration.

Running: Windows 11 (64 bit)
Intel(R) Core™ i7-10610U CPU (i7vPro)
NVIDIA Quadro P520

I’m having the exact same problem. Were you able to find a fix?

Hello again, I think I have found a fix to this problem. Turns out that having special characters such as “ı” in your windows user file name can cause this issue, at least that’s what happened in my case. To solve this I changed the name of the user file. It is a bit tedious but here is the guide that I followed: How to Change User Folder Name in Windows 10 – 2 Ways - MiniTool (the second method is the one that actually works)

I hope this helps