Game flow, editing several engines/cars in a row


There is one tiny thing that gets a little tiresome (at least for me) sometimes, that I want to bring up.

I often find myself doing a lot of adjustments to several engines in a row in sandbox, and I get a little annoyed of how that game flow works. I don’t know if the new game flow for cars/models and engine families have changed this.

I will try to illustrate how it is now in the public build:

  1. Click Sandbox
  2. Click -> Engines
  3. Revise engine, finish it, close window.

Then I want to change something on the next engine, but after closing the engine , I’m back at the main screen, and have to click again on Sandbox -> Engines to get back to the engine list.
Doing changes to quite a few engines in a row, I get tired of having to repeat step 1) and 2) for every engine.

So my question is:
Is there a way to return directly to the engine list when closing the engine designer? (the last active view/window)

The same applies when designing cars, except for that you don’t have to switch to the next page. But closing a car, returns to the main screen.

Sorry for the long post :stuck_out_tongue:

I too experience this and I think this will change later on (hopefully). It disrupts the game flow, definetly.

We have plans to improve this a lot :smiley:

sweet that’s good to know I too have been wondering if this was going to be a fix or if it would stay like that.

I am confused… does no one watch our YouTube channel? :slight_smile: That would have saved you the write-up, I guess.
Watch this video:

Killrob, I watch all those videos you post on Facebook. :slight_smile: But to me it was not clear in that video if you could edit several engines from different engine families from within there, or just within one engine family :wink:

I would have thought that is clear from there being a drop down for both engine family and engine model separately. :slight_smile: