Golimar Automotive: Small Times on Small Cars


welcome to the Golimar showroom.
For 40 years we’ve been applying a consistent philosophy of making lightweight machines for everyone. After the turbo revolution of the 1980s, this extended to a whole array of high performance offerings, as well.

Our first exhibit is none other than our current hot hatch, already featured in some track boards around:

[size=200]Hermes Omega[/size]

The performance version of our flagship Hermes hatchback, this machine is designed to make you accelerate hard while having fun in the process.
With four seats, a 6-speed gearbox, low-profile 17-inch wheels, power steering, ABS, traction control and all fundamental amenities in a package of under 900kg, it’s designed to make you forget about all those big values that people insist on being essential.

Such a vehicle deserves a proper engine. That role goes to the Noir 4164T, a 1.6-liter, turbocharged, low-emission beast that can produce 202hp without hurting your wallet.

So, for those who want to have some true fun, without the need to compensate for something, this is for you.

More entries will follow later (likely after the next update, since I’m planning for an Elise-esque MR car…)

lol, how inflammatory, why do I get the feeling I’m getting poked at :laughing:

Nice to see a company with some spunk in its marketing! I like your vision of small and punchy. I’ll guess I’ll just have to stick to making cars that are faster than everybody else’s :wink:

From what materials is the platform made? I’ve always been curious about that.
Also, I think the i4 is rather high end on manhours, but damn cheap for a turbo!
Your comfort is quite low, so I don’t think the AI would see the car as “uncompromising” as you do, but if you get the exhausts a bit less loud it should give you a lil bump :wink:

And let’s be honest here Strop, your company here is the one here whose slogan pretty much is “fuck everything, just have it go as fast as possible, I’ll bring spare undies too”


lol, how inflammatory, why do I get the feeling I’m getting poked at :laughing:

Nice to see a company with some spunk in its marketing! I like your vision of small and punchy. I’ll guess I’ll just have to stick to making cars that are faster than everybody else’s :wink:[/quote]

To be honest, this is mostly pandering to the potential crowd. :laughing:

Still, I’ll hold up these ideals to the very end, no matter what bad results they might lead me into. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha that’s what makes this so much fun. I couldn’t help but stir a little, it also polarises the crowds and inflammes the passions. So I say don’t apologise at all, and be provocative and feel free to disparage my company’s ideology, because I certainly won’t apologise for it! :wink:

[size=85]and yes you might want to bring more than a few sets of undies if you want to drive my cars…[/size]

The hermes omega reminds me of one of my older hatchback because of the grill…