HedgeHeg Thread (Warning language and shield your eyes!)

10/10 would bang? :stuck_out_tongue:

I apologise, that was probably beyond the pale. And the first one would probably slice my balls off…

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Oh I know all about it, but with me it isn’t Sonic or Furry OCs rather Initial D/TXR ripoffs with overly edgy characters and poor writing. It’s the sort of stuff I read and laugh at, but I would totally write my own if I could get enough motivation.

@strop Interesting. I’m pretty sure I went through a similar phase of self-expression but just did it in other ways… :stuck_out_tongue:

@Fayeding_Spray Why on earth do Anna the Hedgehog’s eyes and eyelashes appear through here fringe??

I have no clue.

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This is a throwback from certain anime where they couldn’t decide which was cooler, a character’s eyes, or their hair. Now generally accepted as poor craftsmanship.

did you really just attempted to make a ship? you and vri404?


omg would be so embarrass don’t create a story where there is none LOL


well you just gave an easy bait. hahah :joy:

furry vri + furry strop… yeah… i’d fap to that… maybe. but i never liked furries. dammit strop


strop X Vri OTP


quick, where did I put my stash of Krystal pictures


After a bit of searching…


Hmm… Strop X Vri, if I were a better artist there’d be art lol

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Goodbye pottogadd, lord of shitposts, did we ever truly know ye

here lieth pottogadd, either banned by a moderator, or stricken by the horror of his namesake’s foot, inflation, watersports and macro fetishes. Also what is with that Shrek x Shadow shipping, talk about one helluva OTP


did a side of bleach come with those photo’s?

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is this a self-imposed exile or did potto get banned for violation of TOS? :joy:

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it appears to be a full on ban Stroppy.

Am I permitted to ask for a vague synopsis of the contents of Pottos famous last posts?

i’ll send you a PM to be safe.