Highest economy car models

no quality sliders
must be able to travel at least 100mph

aluminum block
less than 5 valves
premium unleaded (90 octane aki)
must have a catalytic converter
must have at least ONE muffler
no throttle per cylinder

highly resistant to enviroment chassis
aluminum body panels
5 or 6 speed manual

Please, use the search function. There are many threads related to high economy engines. With and without restrictions.

For example: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=4083&p=35502&hilit=highest+economy#p35502
Found with a quick search! :slight_smile:

i dont care about the engine per say. hold on a minute and i will show you with an example

So you mean the highest economy model? My bad! Can’t seem to find any economy challenges relating to models and not engines, so disregard my last post :stuck_out_tongue:

Although I would recommend renaming the topic to something like ‘Highest Eco Models’ or something along those lines.

That’s a great mpg! And I like that engine, though you could try to make the redline slightly above peak power, just so that when you change gear, you don’t go back to a tiny amount of power at low revs. :slight_smile:

how do you even get a catalytic converter?!

Use unleaded fuel.

It should be in the area where you select your exhaust components.


Use unleaded fuel.[/quote]

i always do but i don’t see such a choice

Okay so this is not that good, not even average.
It’s mostly because i’m concentrated in stunning performance such as my 412km/h luxury saloon.
It’s the best I could do Anyways.
I’m gonna present
For the first time
Cita Chiquera 2014
It tries to stay classical in the body design, while keeping a modern twist.
-It’ll do 160km/h
-Economy 44.6 mpg

thats fantastic! good job

the low friction pistons are nearing their rpm limit and i just threw together that example for starters. i know everyone likes pictures :slight_smile: