Not happy with the headlights, and being unable to lift the bottom of the windscreen up and down makes the side view a little odd, but I had a play earlier and this was the first result:
yeah I wish you could darken down the game lighting in this game so you can look more closely at the curves on the car body…if you try and see what I am getting at?
Rear three quarter shot. Apologies for the bad photoshopping, I was trying to get the front wheel width to match the arches, but it’s a bit rough 'cause I’m crap with Paint
And one from the side that looks way out of place because I couldn’t be arsed with editing it, as sorting the lighting out killed my go-faster stripes without mucking around:
And the actual model is here so you can have a bit more detailed look around it, there’s some bits that aren’t too clear in the pictures like the rear spoiler/side stripes/front vents etc: