How Ferrari’s Flavio Manzoni Designs Your Dreams

Hello everyone,

I found an interesting article about how Ferrari designs their cars, with insights from Flavio Manzoni. He’s a famous designer in the car world, and the article shows how he and his team create the dreams of Ferrari fans. Maybe someone is a fan of Ferrari designs, and it will be a new info.


“The important lesson at Ferrari is that form follows function, however not in the German way, but always with a very creative and artistic approach.”
According to Flavio, that is also why there cannot be a Ferrari SUV (petrolheads rejoice!).

Foreshadowing… and crying in Purosangue


As much as a Ferrari SUV sounds ridiculous, I really like the way it looks overall. I’m sure it’s still mechanically quite nice.

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Welcome :smiley: Interesting link, will read tomorrow, I like such insights. I think that especially the styling ones can potentially help with designing cars in-game too. Of course not on a simplistic technical level, more the conceptual one. And, as much as I don’t really like Ferrari’s style, I must say their most recent designs are really appealing even to me.
Minor organising note though: “Sharing” is for Automation related stuff, things like this go into “Off-topic” (and so I’ll just move it, hope you don’t mind) :slight_smile:

Reading it right now. This is funny:
“every Ferrari is designed from scratch, therefore there’s no need to stick to an existing platform”
…while actually Ferrari very often reuses platforms from the previous generation. Example? The F8 is a refresh of the 488 which is a refresh of the 458.
Interesting to know that F12 is an in-house design, while it looks perfectly modern Pininfarina IMO.
And that fragment about SUVs is pure, refined and concentrated bullshit. This was published mere months before the reveal of the Manzoni designed Ferrari SUV.
TBH it was overall more marketing-y and less in-depth than I expected - still somewhat interesting anyway. I wonder what caused the recent change in style (Roma, SF90, 12C, Purosangue - all more in a more “fluid” style than before), if it’s not the change of the designer in charge.


Wow, thank you for your insights!