How to fit large engine transversely?

I just got the pre order. How do I fit an engine transversely? Everything I use is too large. A Mitsubishi Evo X has a 2.0L 4 transverse with 86.0mmx86.0mm pistons, but something this size won’t fit into the small sedan body shell.

Can you show what sedan body you are using?

Its the small modern sedan body

i think the enginebaysize will be updated with the next update.
It should be capable of handling more engine volume IMO

The current issue is not as much the engine size but the gearbox size and placement. :slight_smile:

There should also be the possibility to build engine bays where i can place the Engine longitudinal or transversely without building a new car or model.

So i can switch the sides in this menu where i choose the Engine. So i dont need make a new car or model.

As you see there, the car has an Engine Bay where both types of Engines (longitudinal or transversely) can be fitted.

The platform/model/engine building order and where to decide what things will be redesigned by the next update. This way you will be able to switch between longtudinal and transverse easily.