I wonder

has there been an event winner car (market challenge or race) with an OHV engine?

I assume you mean not counting the races which mandaged OHV/Pushrod, like VicVictory’s TransAm challenges.

I don’t know about winner, but certainly I know some of them have done very well. I’m under the impression that squidhead’s Sepang in the AMWEC actually uses an OHV engine, but I’m not sure if that applies to the trim used in the race. They’re very good at being lightweight. The main problem is that they’re not as good at high end power or maximum revs as DOHC.

I guess than in future we are going to see More pushrod winners since we have mOHVs now I’d like a racing competition where displacement isnt capped but the are other ways to prevent mosnters. There must be a reason why The veyron never raced as far as I know and that thing is the most OP car in the real world.

Define OP. Its probably hard to beat the Veyron in terms of sheer overengineering, but from a performance standpoint its pretty useless.

OHV and MOHV are cool. I really like their wide powerband when they’re properly tuned. A DOHC engine can have a wide powerband too (but not as torquey), but c’mon, how times you rev a regular car all the way up to 6,800rpms? (I’m talking about automation engines). They’re light and cheap, but the downside is that OHV/MOHV have a low specific output.

Nop, the Sepang uses 4v per cylinder. Actually the only cars using OHV engines in the AMWEC are from Team Fox Manor (Galadante and Novotek).

I won with my OHV in this challenge: automationgame.com/phpBB3/viewto … =39&t=6943

Veyron is way too heavy.

And you’d have to detune the engine and scrap a huge lot of things in the interior to get it to a proper GT3 weight. There wouldn’t be any point in getting it in any proper racecar trim. The Camaro and Viper GT3 have the biggest engines in GT Racing. 7.7 and 8.0L engines detuned to 650HP. They get some racing exhaust manifolds, high performance intake, high cam profile,etc and they still have to detune it. That’s what happened to my AP1 entry in AMWEC. I can get a full additionnal 150hp out of my engine TBH…

Imagine the work they’d need to do to get a Veyron in racing. Not worth the rumored 8 millions $ needed to build one Veyron.