I'm a gonna need a bigger clock

So close almost smashed the 480KM/h clock on a track
Can the Rev-o-meter be beaten?

I day Later… YUP. OK Zero reliability but it is done. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/170415672417958524/EA9E8DE822206D894298C25DA7FAF915E80BC67E/

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There are some lengthy straight line tracks (look up Bonneville) which, given that car’s performance, will quite easily be able to exceed the Speedo markings. It’s been a while but every now and then somebody tries to go maximum top speed. It so happens that body is the most suitable for such things currently.

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This might also come handy for breaking straight line speed records


That moment when first reading the title… maybe asking for a big clock isnt the best?


@Darkshine5 Ahh yes, I see that now. I was thinking more jaws like “were gonna need a bigger boat” though.

Thanks @Sillyworld, The clock just got smashed
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/170415672417958524/EA9E8DE822206D894298C25DA7FAF915E80BC67E/ :relaxed:

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