Okay here’s the rest of the field.
By which we mean front-engined AWD, because somebody here thought that mid-engine AWD was too cheaty. Actually it’s pretty expensive, so it would have been harder to make work, but I would have been curious to see how capable some people were at it because it can be a genuinely nice drivetrain to use… provided the car makes enough power. Which at these levels, I would argue that they largely don’t.
AWD has a reputation for being heavier and, especially in front-engine guise, robbing the car of certain character by turning it into a front-heavy plow with lots of traction. Point and squirt. But the canny tuner and driver can turn it into something else. Did anyone achieve that here?
GassTiresandOil – 1988 Armor Cricket GT4
AWD hot hatch well before its time, so it seems. The turbo on this thing is way too large. The powerband is shifted all the way up to the top, definitely not a first stage affair, but the side effect is that the power curve cuts off a little abruptly. This aside I expect it to be a precise and malleable handler even if it’s actually slightly heavier than average (compared to the average entry, not its thicc fellow AWDs). At least it should be more fun than the Germans.
Cost: 10357
Format: AWD
Seats: 4
Comfort: 7.4
Fuel Economy: 11L/100km
Power: 233.5hp
Weight: 1078.4kg
Power:weight ratio: 216.52hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:21.5
gridghost – 1995 Scarab Nova GT-X26
gridghost made no bones about this being a Skyline knockoff, down to the “276hp”. Except this one seems to come with manual lockers which is not something I expected. It’s an interesting idea. But if used as intended I suspect that the tyres would be shredded at an even faster rate than usual. I’m quite curious as to how the handling will change.
Cost: 11702
Format: AWD
Seats: 4
Comfort: 1.5 ye boi sitting in a tuned Skyline fo’ sho
Fuel Economy: 10.4L/100km
Power: 313.5hp
Weight: 1284.8kg
Power:weight ratio: 244.01hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:18.26 outright fastest because POWAAAAAAA
NeO – 1995 Kitanishi Fleuris SP2000
Sold as a Lan Evo replica, it delivers a literal interpretation of the 276hp AWD with a transversely mounted turbo i4. The basics look pretty on-point. Strong cornering grip, plenty of stopping power, geared LSD. Like the other AWD sedans it is rather heavier and larger. But still being lighter, will it be able to hunt the Scarab down?
Cost: 11993
Format: AWD
Seats: 2+2
Comfort: 7.1
Fuel Economy: 9L/100km
Power: 176.2hp
Weight: 1265.9kg
Power:weight ratio: 218.18hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:20.88
brunator – 1999 BCT T1001S 525TS
This is gonna be a bad time. Teeny sized hard long life tyres trying to haul 300hp of big boost turbo i5? No upgrades on the brakes? Chunky overly stiff rear sway bar? I don’t even think the AWD is going to help but hey, sign me up, I always wanted to drive a ballistic missile into the Armco hey?
Cost: 10000 you do realise this wasn’t a strict limit, the limit was 12k…
Format: AWD
Seats: 4
Comfort: 2.7
Fuel Economy: 9.7L/100km
Power: 300.4hp
Weight: 1060.2kg
Power:weight ratio: 283.34hp:ton yes, indeed the highest power to weight ratio but good lord…
ATT time (Automation): 2:23.21
ELBruno – 2000 Marquez CDD SWS 270i6
The brief read “something different” but I was still not expecting a V60 wagon. Or really what appears to be a Stagea in the skin of a V60, but much cheaper than both (rusty steel inbound!). Already with the front-biased power distribution I’m predicting this is going to be a conservative handler. On the other hand it has comically small wheels so maybe it’s a go-kart in disguise. We’ll see.
Cost: 10000
Format: AWD
Seats: 4
Comfort: 6.3
Fuel Economy: 11.2L/100km
Power: 271.6hp
Weight: 1289.9kg
Power:weight ratio: 210.56hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:18.76 huh? how is this the 2nd fastest on the track when it’s so down on power… interesting
Obfuscious – 2000 Rocinante
You get my other b i g t h o n k-

-for using a patently period incorrect body and what is surely a not-street-legal wing, but hey I did say I wouldn’t disallow it.
The madman did it! My first truck… well, a miniature flatbed which has no business being made in the year 2000 but who cares. I’m also quite sure that wing is not road legal, but again who cares. Very thin tyres, tiny brakes (these are going to melt) and an extremely light rear end are going to make for an interesting time. Also that power to weight ratio. It’s almost the highest in the lineup.
Cost: 9998
Format: AWD
Seats: 2
Comfort: 0.8 my butt is hurting thinking about this
Fuel Economy: 13.2L/100km
Power: 209.8hp
Weight: 815.6kg
Power:weight ratio: 257.23hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:20.56
In a table, then:
and compared to my reference car:
in all seriousness you don’t really need me to tune an AWD car, as there are no real tricks beyond what you can discover from other drivetrains. At least in the scope of this test.
Some say that this is the best drivetrain of them all. The traction off the line for quick acceleration. The light nose nimble and sharp. The weight pitching forward not overloading the front springs. In reality tuning a good MR car is a right bitch because for the uninitiated MR cars can get really flighty under braking, and the weight pitching forward when lifting off can actually cause snap oversteer, and due to the weight distribution this means if one doesn’t have lightning quick reflexes and catch it before it even starts sliding one will die. Add to this the kind of tuner suspension that causes response fast as greased lightning and on the driveway is sitting a deathtrap. No wonder few people actually sent an MR car to this test. Can any of these be tamed?
PugeHenis – 1983 Stelvio O-56
in probably not-street-legal form
This is the one long group B supercar, calling it right now because I’m certain there won’t be another. It takes the fight right to the MM Legatus in terms of origin story and era, but this one comes with rally lights. That said it is much much heavier and the turbo is quite unwieldy. It probably launches much faster than it says it does though this is qualified by whether it’ll stay on line… I’m also assured that it drives very nicely despite the apparent curve, and this is coming from someone who knows how to drive.
Cost: 11117
Format: MR
Seats: 2
Comfort: 0.2 any worse and this would be reportable to Amnesty International
Fuel Economy: 12.6L/100km
Power: 230hp
Weight: 1167.4kg
Power:weight ratio: 197.02hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:28.52 yeah you should see the handling charts of this thing, Automation is having a total freakout
all I can say is NEVER EVER just drive around with neither pedal depressed. Pussyfooting is punishable by death
Good lord I was wrong, Ornate you are no longer the worst offender
Lava_Cake – 1987 TX7 B6
The best driving car this user has made. That’s a bold claim, always, no matter who said it or how experienced they are, so of course I have to try it. This is a riff on the popular “little NSX” body, MR of course, but with less power and more weight than most of the competition, but in a very civil package. It all looks and seems very tidy on paper. I don’t expect it to exactly set the track on fire but if my first impressions are correct this could be a very “pleasant” drive, because with 3000N/m front swaybars and nothing on the rear it basically is a flagrant attempt to take the MR handling out of the MR car 
Cost: 10100
Format: MR
Seats: 2
Comfort: 15.9 sew fanceh
Fuel Economy: 11.9L/100km
Power: 145.8hp
Weight: 1063.2kg
Power:weight ratio: 137.13hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:31.21
DoctorNarfy – 1991 Shromet Interval GTS
Shoving a pushrod vee-eight into a small mid-engined sports car, yep. I can think of some people who would love to do that. For most of you though that’s a paddlin’ and I bet that’s exactly why it was done. I’m betting the brakes will be fading by the 2nd lap of the ATT, but as for the rest I have hope that this will combine the best of many worlds.
Cost: 11368
Format: MR
Seats: 2
Comfort: 10.1
Fuel Economy: 12.5L/100km
Power: 251.6hp
Weight: 1175.7kg
Power:weight ratio: 214hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:19.83
CC9020 – 1992 Fuji RMS GTR Homologation
With a name like that I’m a bit scared. Also with lowered springs like that I’m a bit scared, but more of destroying the undercarriage. The springs are lowered to breaking point almost, so it’s going to run on rails, at least on a flat road. A bump might actually destroy the bump stops. Who knows. The other concern I have is that while the engine is not especially powerful contrary to the name’s suggestion, the brakes are absolutely tiny and they’re probably going to melt. That might put a dent on race proceedings.
Cost: 9817
Format: MR
Seats: 2
Comfort: 2.6
Fuel Economy: 8.8L/100km
Power: 185.4hp
Weight: 1047.7kg
Power:weight ratio: 176.96hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:23.63
In a table, then:
and compared to my reference car:
this is a pretty mixed bunch which covers all kinds of spectrums hey.
Ever wondered why only one company in the real world persisted and truly succeeded in making performance rear-engined cars work? Harsh reality: because as soon as the engine became powerful enough they had to throw all their effort into mitigating the pendulum-ass character of the 911. Driving a fast rear-engined car is fine as long as you book it in a straight line, but brake too late for a corner and you’ll slam through the barrier ass-first guaranteed. Not surprisingly, the fewest of all, just one brave, one reckless, and one masterful player (I’ll let you argue which is which) tackled the challenge.
Lordred – 1981 Pulsar Defiant
also in contention for beauty contest award
The inspiration isn’t obvious enough eh? Ha. The lightest car in the contest so far, with the most finnicky drivetrain. And the shortest wheelbase. If this isn’t asking for trouble I don’t know what is. Full disclosure: when this first came to me the front swaybar was what I’m going to call “rigid as fuck” compared to the weight of the wheels on it. As a result there was a lot of uneven rocking and jerky handling where I could barely turn under throttle but I would enter every corner backwards. RR cars are mysterious and require a lot of subtlety, and that’s not something that can be achieved by testing the car with a keyboard. That tends to result in a lot of overboard solutions, as I myself would know from years of trying to play sims with nothing but the arrow keys.
Cost: 9518
Format: RR
Seats: 2
Comfort: 2.6
Fuel Economy: 13.9L/100km chug chug chug
Power: 142.6hp
Weight: 656kg
Power:weight ratio: 217.38hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:25.11
Dorifto_Dorito – 1987 Nohda Strato (82) Super Strato Turbo (87)
and this one too, phwoar what a looker
Prided as the PTSD inducing car, I drove a 700hp version of one of the generations of this car and couldn’t drive it to save my life. This version is presumably less lethal, but it’s still light, short wheelbase and rear-engined so it’ll still be interesting. “Interesting”. The suspension here is pretty firm, and I’m expecting something quite lively. Given this is the same body as the one Lordred used a direct comparison is going to be difficult to avoid.
Cost: 9461
Format: RR
Seats: 2
Comfort: 11.4
Fuel Economy: 12L/100km
Power: 163.9hp
Weight: 763.5kg
Power:weight ratio: 214.67hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:44.96 I told you it was almost identical to the Pulsar in many ways
AirJordan – 2000 Smooth Notsomuch
This is a real oddity which is no surprise coming from AirJordan. It’s a coupe with a sedan body, but also it’s rear-engined and seats 2. It’s quite light and tuned to corner hard (which is something I said before I saw the other RR entries). With a pretty soft suspension tune I wonder if the tyres will suffer scrub or will it somehow have a magical mix of handling.
Cost: 9988
Format: RR
Seats: 2
Comfort: 13.3
Fuel Economy: 6L/100km sipppppp
Power: 162.7hp
Weight: 841.2kg
Power:weight ratio: 193.41hp:ton
ATT time (Automation): 2:21.8
In a table, then:
and compared to my reference car:
I’ll tell you now. Only one of these is particularly tame, and it’s not mine haha 
Summary Table of the Breakdown
Edit: the conditional formatting somehow switched on me and made the higher price show up in green, not sure why it did
Edit 2: @stm316 lol I completely forgot I could align post auto-format
Nothing exciting here people; the real fun starts when I start commenting on the driving. However what you should take particular interest in are the outliers: cars that performed better than expected versus worse than expected for power:weight ratio. Keep in mind that ATT favours cars with absolute power… to a point. The cars that did far worse than expected may have been on medium compound instead of sport tyres… and others were just goddamn finnicky to drive. You’ll see what I found when I get to the “Great Engineer Terrible Driver” section… but before that I’ll give you a preview by commenting on the drive around the technical tracks Hirochi Short and Trial Mountain.