So, I am having trouble telling if this is an in game issue or this is just user error but… I was making a car for the people’s car comp using the aforementioned 1967 Renault like body, and wanted to make a van variant for the sake of completionism. I made a clone of the trim, selected the body and…
The fixtures don’t seem to be cutting through the body properly. I have tried updating them, moving them around, using the advanced settings to copy then overwrite the original fixtures, and have even tried adding new fixtures onto the body as is but nothing seems to let the indents of any selected fixtures show properly.
For reference, this is the original car that I cloned the variant from. And I will attached the car file of the van type to this thread as well if anyone wants to check for themselves, because I exported and then reimported it as a completely separate model, and the problem continued to persist.
(PCN)Chè|attachment (50.7 KB)
I feel like I have done something wrong and caused this but the usual ways I would think to try and fix it have failed so I thought I could ask here just in case it was a weird bug…