JOC4A - A Foreign Man In A Foreign Land - [ENTRIES CLOSED]

I hate to be a bother, but approximately when is the judging scheduled to take place?

Hopefully part one should be done by tomorrow or the day after that.


That post didnt age well :rofl:


We’ll have the cars by the weekend, we promise :pleading_face:


i thought new comments on this challenge means reviews

By the weekend in 2038


The host is most likely unusually busy, and hence can’t process the results as soon as we would like.

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Which is fine, but these promises that can’t be kept are always annoying. I have to delay results for two weeks because I am simply not home. Just be honest with the duration, causes less trouble than salami tactics.


Weekend is over for the poor Australians in the community


time for another good ol monday morning

Yeah, I was apprehensive about submitting because when I checked the host’s profile curious about what sort of writeups they gave to challenge entries, I noticed this isn’t the first challenge they abandoned. I hope this one doesn’t end the same way though.

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good this is i dont spend a lot of effort for the submission

My offer to do the writeups per your notes stands. If you thought I was harsh with the Lancier, wait til you see what I do with the NorĂ°wagen, and no one else to offend.

At this point just rankings with no write up would be preferable over the nothing we currently have. I assume the hosts know the order of entrants, just the writing that’s the hold up

So… What happens if 30 days have passed since the deadline, and the results have not been announced? Should we go to a poll to decide the winner?

I agree that turnaround times like this isn’t optimal and @mart1n2005 probably has a point. Also, since both @ldub0775 and @happyfireballman has been active on Discord lately, I think that at least one of them could show signs of life in this thread and give a good explanation why it takes time, not just “will be finished soon, we promise”, that would lessen the strain on both hosts and participants I think.

However, sometimes I wonder if there is kind of double standards, if we look at this from another angle. In one way, it feels a bit like beating on a dead horse to bring up a 3 year old challenge, and also, I don’t want to beat on the hosts in that case either, since I don’t have any personal problems with any of them, and they probably had their reasons, but still…

TMCC11 holds the infamous record of taking a YEAR to finish, and still I can’t recall it being questioned nearly as much as this after just some weeks of delay. And I really can’t see that it would have been popular to suggest to take over judging or having a poll, now I am not really aiming this at the hosts, I don’t hold any personal grudge against either Vena or Mazda, but my guess (that might be wrong, since it is nothing more than a guess) is that a large portion of the userbase would have objected against such suggestions, without the hosts even needing to stand up there.

Sometimes I wonder if some hosts will get a free pass easier than others, because they have more “friends” and are seen as the “cool” ones. That’s of course not the fault of the hosts, hey, if someone wants to admire me, what could I even do to prevent it?

I know that I may be controversial with this post, and that it is possible that it is unnecessary and won’t lead anywhere, but remembering some way more long winded challenges getting much less salt than this (TMCC11 just being the infamous record holder, hence my mentioning of it, though it was by no means alone), I can’t help doing the reflection. Sure, I know that many users on the board now wasn’t even around in the era of TMCC11, so it is maybe a kind of apples and oranges comparision. I just think that everyone should deserve the same chance. With that said, I don’t mean that I want JOC4A to take a year too, but…

On the other hand, with the update probably dropping soon, is it a disaster if this takes some extra time TBH? I guess nobody wants to start a new JOC round before knowing the status of the beta, and it might even screw things up in the start and require some bugfixes before being stable enough for challenges. If there is a time when a delayed challenge won’t be too much of a struggle, it is now I guess.


so uhh we may or may not have gone too big

planning to scale it down so we can get reviews out soon, rather than at the current pace of (checks notes) slow

probably not worth anything, but i’m very sorry for being the weak link; there’s a reason why i don’t host challenges, and this severe lapse in judgement will not happen again

don’t let it happen again



It’s your own damn fault for making a masterpiece, and farming out engineering to someone who knows what they’re doing.

Give me your notes and a week, and we’ll have a JOC3C-style writeup (better-organized this time)

Well if I don’t have all my reviews out by, say, 6 PM, I’ll take you up on that offer.

Good to see a lifesign and that something actually happened in the meantime.
What I can see looks not too bad. And Knugcab is totally right about the update.