JOC4A - A Foreign Man In A Foreign Land - [ENTRIES CLOSED]

I’m not entirely sure passing off the hosting off to someone else is a great precedent to start.

As long as we know the hosts haven’t abandoned the challenge I’m sure we can sit tight, Knugcab has the right idea.


Also we should get happyfireball’s opinion before, right? Agree with Knugcab and Mart1n2005 on this one.

To be clear, my offer was to do the writing only, not the evaluating. Whatever their notes and spreadsheet say, I’d just dress up and put into the prose that yall seemed to enjoy. It’d be no more taking over hosting than an entry outsourcing engineering or photography to someone else.


I guess you can help us, besides one can learn from a previous hoster himself :sunglasses:


Any news regarding the progress?


Rankings are finalized, story is coming together.


How’s the story going?

Story/structure for round 1 (about half the cars) is done. In the interests of neutrality, I’m not doing any evaluations; we’re waiting on the hosts to fill in those. I’m doing my best to 1. move that along without nagging, and 2. to make for better quality when it does come out. Between the lack of progress and feedback on Discord, my interest in continuing to be involved is running out.


Ah, so it’s going well then :joy:

How long till we can just get a ranked list and bury the corpse?


That’s up to the hosts.


I would suggest them to do that by now, to just get things rolling tbh… would ease the strain from both sides


Yeah at this point just have somebody do JOC3D as was appropriate from the start. Moving the plot to Japan on a whim was never the best idea

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Well, I can’t say that I agree there actually, though. The rules says that it is up to the new host if the new round should be a new series or be kept in the old one (as long as at least three have passed). It is indeed a bit odd for the new JOC series to be a spinoff from the old one, but nothing is preventing it.

By now, though, most people would probably be satisfied to just get a list of how they scored, to get this thing rolling. If that list actually exists, as @moroza seems to imply, it could as well be posted instead of just silence.

And maybe, just maybe… Your comment, even if I don’t agree 100% on it, still made me think. Since this round might be seen as kind of a failure (sorry to be harsh, but well, it might be the truth by now), my suggestion is that if and when (I hope there is no if, and that “when” is soon) the list actually releases, I can give the new host permission to actually have a decision to either continue with JOC4B, or to see JOC4 as a sidestep, and either start JOC5 or go back to JOC3 and host round D.

I would at least appreciate some openness from @happyfireballman and @ldub0775 in this case. Does a ranking list of the winners actually exist, and if it does, do you feel that there is any good excuses anymore to not just post it and let the show go on by now?

Sorry if I start to sound a bit harsh, but I felt that I still had to step in, as I kind of is one of the brains behind this challenge, and that I can’t be too diplomatic anymore. I hope that nobody takes this personally, though, everyone can fail at tasks sometimes. But by now, everyone would appreciate some insight in what’s actually happening, rather than excuses and silence.


The reason why it hasn’t been posted yet was because of the lack of 3 things:

  1. Communication
  2. Time
  3. Activity

Me and Ldub initially did a couple of reviews of which he would do styling whereas I’d do engineering. There conflicting things for us such as school and when we would be up.

We haven’t had great communication as we would be changing things review wise just to accommodate for one or the other.

I may be making excuses but this is the best I can come up as a reason, and while many may fislike me after this and bot trust me to make or run any futhur challenges there is no way we could possibly move this challenge into someone else’s without withdrawing all the work that has been done.

And certain this, the styling and story has been at the upmost quality in thanks to @ldub0775 and @moroza. It was the fault of me of being a host and as the community here may agree that I am unfit for anything.

I will try to do all 26 cars within the weekend, but I can’t promise anything.

If the community shall ban me from hosting a challenge after this, then so be it, this is the second challenge that I’ve hosted of which people were interested in.

Many of you will disregard this and petition for us to be banned from hosting, and if so, then blame me for my incapable mind and not Ldub.

Signed, @happyfireballman


One thing I have noticed is that multiple host challenges more often runs into trouble like this, than single host challenges does. Sure, if done right, it can be helpful to have a co-host. But if there is lack in communication, things like time zones preventing people from talking to each other, disagreements between hosts how things should be done, and so on, it can be more of a headache. That might be worth taking into consideration before co-hosting a challenge, just saying. There are people I surely know I should be able to co-host a challenge with - but I doubt that I should do it with someone I wasn’t 110% sure I would be able to co-operate trouble free with, for reasons like this. Just saying, because it might be worth thinking over for future hosts.

To clear up any confusion, the work is split into 3, not the amount of cars.

Sone people think because that there’s 3 people and 27 cars that each person is doing 9 cars each which is not the case.

Moroza is helping with the writing.
Ldub is doing designs.
I am doing the engineering.

That’s why it is taking us some time as we’re trying to consistent with the reviews while having things interfere with our lives.

1 week has 1 day worth of usable time for reviews with school and miscellaneous things keeping at bay. And by then it is taken in short intervals with unannounced events popping up and so I ask the community:

How to tackle this large task without wasting the efforts of everyone here?

TBH, at this point, just see the “wasted efforts” as a lesson learned, post a list with the ranking and let this go further. It was a project that was too much of a struggle for you to finish, it seems like, that’s not the end of the world, such things happen and you have learned something… But that’s just my opinion, other people might have other opinions…


Yeah, definitely just post the result leaderboard ASAP and let the winners make their new challenges. When you actually finish up with the writing, if you still wish to, then you can post that at your leisure - and if you ping the people being reviewed, they will still see it. Then it won’t be a waste. But don’t hold up the rest of JOC further by withholding the rankings.


To add a wisecracking notion, have a look at the ‘sunk cost fallacy’ (or, in your case, sunk time) at some point. What happens going forward matters, the rest you can’t influence anymore. Maybe you needed to get to this point to realise what’s possible and realistic and what is not?


I agree that is has been rather long in tooth now. I personally would not mind waiting until the weekend for full reviews now that there is significant transparency from the hosts, but it should certainly be taken into account that this wasn’t planned either. It is still up to the hosts and if we (entrants) really do want to take the situation under control we should probably poll the 20+ other entrants that haven’t offered their opinion. I also do disagree that the challenge was a failure from the start or that it sould be moved back to JOC3 as I really did like the initial brief.