JOC4A - A Foreign Man In A Foreign Land - [ENTRIES CLOSED]

Put away the pitchforks and torches for now; there is Meaningful Activity™.

Also, the story ties in to JOC3 enough that the next one could well be a combination or hybrid of the two.




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TBH, I don’t say that I want the work with the reviews wasted, I understand that there is time and energy put into that. But how about, like suggested earlier, posting the ranking (since it obviously exists) now, and then post the reviews when they are done.


Excited to see the story :slight_smile:


I’m in favor of posting the rankings immediately, without the reviews/story. Those can come sometime later.


sorry y’all.

this really kinda sucks for everyone involved so sorry bout this.

  1. @Riley
  2. @abg7
  3. @moroza
  4. @yakiniku260
  5. @Maverick74
  6. @shibusu
  7. @vero94773 @yurimacs
  8. @the-chowi
  9. @Vento
  10. @xsneakyxsimx
  11. @ChemaTheMexican
  12. @Restomod
  13. @Koviico
  14. @GassTiresandOil
  15. @doot
  16. @Ch_Flash
  17. @mart1n2005
  18. @conan
  19. @CivettaScintilla
  20. @crwpitman1
  21. @lotto77
  22. @Happyhungryhippo
  23. @passengerpigeon
  24. @Danicoptero
  25. @Ludvig

As I said, nothing prevents you from giving the reviews later on. Thanks for coming up with a solution after all.


The nuclear reactor has just melted down, the clay has been set.

All I ask is for the forgiveness of the community,

We are sorry that the detailed reviews could not be published on time and that this was withheld hoping that the story gets out. Hopefully, the next time I host, I’ll be transparent about how long it’ll take for reviews to come out.

Enjoy the next JOC4B or JOC5A.


Or JOC3D. Riley and/or abg - if you want to tie the stories together, I’ll share what notes and drafts I have.

Or if both of you pass, 80-90% odds I’ll take on hosting the next one.


I’m clearly interested in hosting JOC4B in 4.3, with or without Riley and/or it being tied to JOC3D.

Aw it doesn’t suck i’m just excited for the story! It’s going to be epic for sure!


Well, at least I beat the open-wheeler meme car! I am eager to read the reviews when they come out so I can improve upon my designs for next time.

With JOC4A being set in the 1980s, I have a hunch that JOC4B could be set in the following decade (the 1990s). In fact, I have several ideas for JOC4B rule sets with this era in mind.

I am not much of a story building writer, and I’m also going to be away for like a month very soon, so I’ll pass to @abg7

Great challenge, I think we all know what went wrong, lets move to the next one.

I never thought I would ever have a chance to host even one part of a JOC, but I’ll gladly take it. And regarding Bruno’s age by the time JOC4A takes place, I’ll use this as a reference point:

Thus, Bruno would probably be 23-26 years old (most likely on the upper edge of that range) when he bought the Stelvio V8 Twin Turbo at the end of JOC4A. And given that this first stage of JOC4 was set in the 1980s (after JOC3 took us from the 1950s through to the 1960s and finally concluded in the 1970s), having JOC4B take place some time in the 1990s makes perfect sense in my view - I just need to come up with a suitable premise, rule set, and a specific year for the setting, while also taking into account how much automotive technology and design had advanced between 1982 and the early-mid-'90s timeframe I’m aiming for.

Oh, and one more thing: I’m currently on the 4.3 open beta build, and am considering running JOC4B on that version. It hasn’t yet been merged with the stable release, though, but given that some other recent challenges also use the open beta, I’m tempted to take the plunge and make 4.3 the standard for JOC4B.


i would be surprised a v8 twin turbo won in the 80s if i didnt know who made it in this case

im okay with 15th for what my car was and accidentally submitting in a horrid color

I think most people on the board have changed over to OB now so yes, holding it there may be wise.

The (unpublished) story goes into a little detail about this. He obtained a German driver’s license in time to drive for a couple of years before shipping off to school in Japan. That put him at 17-18 in 1978, 21-22 in 1982. Magda let him joyride her Daytona once, which ruined him for anything lesser.

Keeping that in mind, I just got started on a draft for a backstory and ruleset for JOC4B (along with a few test mules to see what the can be done under the proposed budget) - please give me some time to finish it.

Next stage of JOC4 here!