Lite Campaign V2 Open Beta (B161021+) Feedback / Bugs

That is correct, bodies are not meant to unlock earlier in the current version. That won’t change in the Lite Campaign.

What about stuff on the first tab of the engine designer, like material and VVL? There’s no tech points there.

Just a head’s up, if you cancel a production before designing a car and assigning the factory over, you lose the factory from the menu, seems fairly easy to reproduce

In sandbox, changing the running costs to anything other than Gasmea brings up a .lua error and then a “N/A” running cost with no more drop down menu or stats.

first run on the new V2 campaign
started happening on the second car

it’s also happening steadily, very easily reproduced

I started the campaign on 1946, first car starts production at 1948. My second car was supposed to enter production on 1951 but it’s stuck on “ENGINEERING” forever. Even though first car is already “CANCELLED”, second car won’t start production.

Anyone else getting really super-duper long loading times?

Is that Game in general or when loading a saved item?
In either case for me the answer is no, it’s not noticeably different to before. However, In the past when I’ve had loads of cars in sand box I noticed game load times would increase.
How full is your sandbox?


about 33 cars in sandbox, but over 75 engines…

I wonder what happens if you move them out of the automation directories and let the game open “blank” as it were

Every time I start new or load old campaign:

Aaaand if I click sales:

With app closing.

I had this problem and found this work around last night. Came to post :slight_smile:

umm… dunno about the closing part. but v1 saves ARE incompatible, if you didn’t know that already.
if you do, disregard this post

Getting that same error message very often in the campaign mode.

We just released a major update for the open beta of the LC V2!

Sorry for the longer wait for this update, we had various team members out of office at different times, delaying the compilation of the improvements and fixes into this patch.

A lot of important changes and fixes bring big improvements to this build of the Lite Campaign V2. Have a look here:

Additions & Changes

  • Big overhaul of all engine sounds
  • Implemented “dynamic difficulty” adjustment on first car
  • Improved saving times, greatly speeding up month ticks
  • Added highscore list and functionality
  • Added techpool column in engineering time listing
  • Added “Lab Costs” to R&D screen
  • Added V1 to V2 save compatibility
  • Added engineering familiarity rating into part tooltips
  • Added tooltip for body introduction year and cargo space
  • Added dependency between factory/plot prices and economy
  • Added check for save & exit in lite campaign
  • Added safety question for cancelling productions
  • Added previous factory settings + colours to factory setup stats
  • Changed region economy graphs to show all 3 regions at once
  • Changed SPFI unlock year to 1978 (from 1982)
  • Color coded effective tech on R&D panel

Bugfixes & Corrections

  • Fixed instances of trims disappearing in sandbox
  • Fixed display of future tech to +10 years from current year
  • Fixed fuel type showing up in list of next techs
  • Fixed junior engineers not adding to skill pool
  • Fixed “show cancelled cars” buttons in production list
  • Fixed market list mode
  • Fixed engineering / factory sliders working with mousewheel
  • Fixed issue with income/spending graph
  • Fixed familiarity progression (now slightly slower)
  • Fixed graphs triggering before final testing tab
  • Fixed scrap money calculations
  • Fixed issues with cancelled car desirability calculation
  • Fixed issue where going into lite campaign broke sandbox
  • Fixed issue with non-production car breaking markets screen
  • Fixed issue with changing platform year in sandbox
  • Removed irrelevant secondary factory add-on section

With this most of the bigger issues should be sorted out, but there are more fixes and changes to come before we move on to making the UE4 version of Automation happen.

At this stage the campaign offers quite a challenge with the new mechanics in place and we’re looking forward to hearing of your experience with it. Please continue to report bugs and other issues on the forums and with the bug reporting tool, that is all very helpful to us!

Have fun with this update.


I’m still getting the trim error on the new update.

EDIT: Nope, seems to be working again. Weird. Opened the model up a second time, and it works just fine.

EDIT 2: It seems to be that the second car I open up loads the previous car’s trim.

EDIT 3: And it only happens when opened from the menu you get from an already open car. If done from the main menu it’s fine.


okay. i build my first car. exit the game
open it up again the next day, updates happen.
proceeds to make 2nd car, with the exact same factory setup with literally nothing changed. that happened ^



Salvador D`cruze has no avatar

Really interested by the new update, but I’ve been having some issues loading some of my previously created cars…although a car I made just today seems to load, and that was before I downloaded this latest update. Still, though, this does seem to be a fairly significant problem and I’ve seen at least one other person on the Steam comments section(redrocketfiero, IIRC) raise the issue as well.

If the problem persists with new cars created in this update then please post about it. With older cars it could be that they were originally messed up by bugs already fixed.