Logo Ideas

Post here the logos you designed or ideas for various logos.

Here’s mine.
It’s a combination of my initials, star sign, the colors of my country, the checkered flag that symbolizes racing and victory and a gold pattern, gold symbolizing power, strength, wealth, etc.

nice logo :slight_smile: i like all the different elements that its made up of.

Thank you :slight_smile:

This one was much less thought out :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice work! What program do you use to create them?

Very nice work… The top one is very Romainian looking :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you could create a car badge pack when its out? :wink: That would be pretty cool…

Thx. I model them in Google Sketchup and then render them in Simlab Composer. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Drake”]Very nice work… The top one is very Romainian looking :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you could create a car badge pack when its out? :wink: That would be pretty cool…[/quote]

Yeah…but I was thinking more along the lines of adaptability. if the logo would be used in game the colors can be different, also the sign in the middle could be different and people can put their initials.
Well I don’t know exactly what plans they have for the badge system, will it be 3d or 2d or we could import any picture we want. If it will be the latter, sure I can make a pack, but please contribute with more ideas :smiley:

Another one :slight_smile:

I’m on a roll. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you have to try to make something with an engine in it? Or with a crankshaft?

Those are good suggestions. I have thought of making one with a piston in it. :slight_smile:

OK, here’s my idea.

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Nice one :smiley:

:smiley: i know were i need to come for a logo design.

Mines not all quality but here it is:

I have to say that the logo you did looks really wonderful and innovative. I can see that you have combined your initials as well along with other ingredients like national flag and racing flag. Marian also did come up with a futuristic logo which kind of resembles a tech atmosphere.

Car logo evolution.