Exception: Lua Function Call: DoExport DoExport: [string “d:\workspace\automationcarexport\beamng\autom…”]:2934: bad argument #1 to ‘gsub’ (string expected, got nil)
Stack Traceback
(1) C function ‘function: 0x018d66088fe0’
(2) field C function ‘gsub’
(3) Lua field ‘ExportEngineFile’ at line 2934 of chunk ‘“d:\workspace\automationcarexport\beamng\autom…”]’
Local variables:
CarCalculator = table: 0x018c8bb33300 {SelectedFactory:6, AccelerationDetails:table: 0x018c8bb3c1c0, Stack:table: 0x018c8bb39dc0 (more…)}
CarInfo = table: 0x018c8bb33f00 {TrimInfo:table: 0x018c8bb38180, PlatformInfo:table: 0x018c8bb35a80, Filters:table: 0x018c8bb38bc0 (more…)}
EngineInfo = table: 0x018c8bc0b100 {ModelInfo:table: 0x018ca7f7d240, PlatformInfo:table: 0x018c8bc0bdc0, Scales:table: 0x018c8aca9300 (more…)}
GearboxInfo = table: 0x018c8bb38400 {TargetTopSpeedFraction:0.89999997615814, TargetTopSpeed:226.19465565018 (more…)}
Results = table: 0x018c8acaf140 {PartsFailureInfo:table: 0x018c8aca9b40, PerformanceIndex:158.01193110148 (more…)}
EngineUID = string: “1458B52B4FAE49E65F93A0A5A340625C”
EngineUIDShort = string: “1458B”
TrimUID = string: “7F2854074654968EF5BCC3808A099620”
TrimUIDShort = string: “7F285”
rpmToAV = number: 0.10472
avToRPM = number: 9.5493
peakBoost = number: 0
aspirationSetup = table: 0x018c8246be00 {EngineSection:Aspiration, YearUnlock:1920, Engineering:table: 0x018c82467180 (more…)}
TorqueCurves = table: 0x018c8aca2100 {NATorque:table: 0x018c8aca9ec0, FrictionCrank:table: 0x018c8aca7a40, VolumetricEffeciency:table: 0x018c8aca8680 (more…)}
engineBrakeTorque = number: 76.0016
EngineFriction = number: 76.0016
DynamicFriction = number: 0.0589389
OutputText = string: “{
\9"Camso_Engine_$engineUID$”: {
\9\9\9"authors":“Camshaft Software”,
\9\9\9"name":“6.0L SOHC V8 Engine”,
\9\9"variables": [
\9\9\9[“name”, “type”, “unit”, “category”, “default”, “min”, “max”, “title”, “description”]
\9\9\9["$AfterfireMod", “range”, “”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 1, 0, 10, “Afterfire Modifier”, “Modifier for the amount of engine afterfire”, {“stepDis”:0.1,“subCategory”:“Engine”,“minDis”:0,“maxDis”:1000}],
\9\9\9["$ParticulatesMod", “range”, “”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 1, 0, 100, “Particluates Modifier”, “Modifier for the amount of engine particulates”, {“stepDis”:1,“subCategory”:“Engine”,“minDis”:0,“maxDis”:10000}],
\9\9\9["$EngineOffsetX", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Engine Offset X”, “Lateral engine offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Engine Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$EngineOffsetY", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Engine Offset Y”, “Longitudinal engine offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Engine Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$EngineOffsetZ", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Engine Offset Z”, “Vertical engine offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Engine Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$EngineOffsetXVis", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Visual Engine Offset X”, “Visual lateral engine offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Engine Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$EngineOffsetYVis", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Visual Engine Offset Y”, “Visual longitudinal engine offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Engine Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$EngineOffsetZVis", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Visual Engine Offset Z”, “Visual vertical engine offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Engine Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$ExhaustOffsetX", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Exhaust Offset X”, “Lateral exhaust offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Exhaust Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$ExhaustOffsetY", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Exhaust Offset Y”, “Longitudinal exhaust offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Exhaust Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$ExhaustOffsetZ", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Exhaust Offset Z”, “Vertical exhaust offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Exhaust Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$ExhaustOffsetXVis", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Visual Exhaust Offset X”, “Visual lateral exhaust offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Exhaust Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$ExhaustOffsetYVis", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Visual Exhaust Offset Y”, “Visual longitudinal exhaust offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Exhaust Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$ExhaustOffsetZVis", “range”, “+m”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 0, -4, 4, “Visual Exhaust Offset Z”, “Visual vertical exhaust offset”, {“stepDis”:0.01,“subCategory”:“Exhaust Offset”}],
\9\9\9["$EngineInertiaMod", “range”, “”, “Vehicle Advanced Settings”, 1, 0, 5, “Engine Inertia”, “Modifies Engine Inertia”, {“stepDis”:1,“minDis”:0,“maxDis”:500,“subCategory”:“Engine”}]
\9\9"slotType" : “Camso_Engine”,
\9\9"slots": [
\9\9\9[“type”, “default”, “description”],
\9\9\9[“Camso_Intake”, “Camso_Intake”, “Intake”, {“coreSlot”: true}],
\9\9\9[“Camso_Nitrous”, “”, “Nitrous Injection”],
\9\9\9[“Camso_EngineManagement”, “Camso_EngineManagement_$engineUID$”, “Engine Management”, {“coreSlot”: true}],
\9\9\9[“Camso_engine_structure”, “Camso_engine_structure_$trimUID$”, “Engine Structure”, {“coreSlot”: true, “nodeMove”:{“x”:"$EngineOffsetX",“y”:"$EngineOffsetY",“z”:"$EngineOffsetZ"}}],
\9\9\9[“Camso_EngineInternals”, “Camso_EngineInternals_$engineUID$”, “Engine Internals”, {“coreSlot”: true}]
\9\9\9[“Camso_Transmission”,“Camso_Transmission_$trimUID$”, “Transmission”]
\9\9"powertrain" : [
\9\9\9[“type”, “name”, “inputName”, “inputIndex”],
\9\9\9[“combustionEngine”, “mainEngine”, “dummy”, 0]
\9\9"mainEngine": {
\9\9\9\9[“rpm”, “torque”],
\9\9\9\9[500, 307.09],
\9\9\9\9[700, 384.33],
\9\9\9\9[800, 395.52],
\9\9\9\9[900, 406.17],
\9\9\9\9[1000, 416.42],
\9\9\9\9[1100, 426.63],
\9\9\9\9[1200, 436.79],
\9\9\9\9[1300, 447.24],
\9\9\9\9[1400, 457.80],
\9\9\9\9[1500, 468.04],
\9\9\9\9[1600, 477.92],
\9\9\9\9[1700, 487.55],
\9\9\9\9[1800, 495.84],
\9\9\9\9[1900, 502.04],
\9\9\9\9[2000, 506.35],
\9\9\9\9[2100, 510.09],
\9\9\9\9[2200, 514.83],
\9\9\9\9[2300, 520.03],
\9\9\9\9[2400, 524.96],
\9\9\9\9[2500, 530.56],
\9\9\9\9[2600, 536.29],
\9\9\9\9[2700, 540.41],
\9\9\9\9[2800, 541.89],
\9\9\9\9[2900, 541.50],
\9\9\9\9[3000, 539.24],
\9\9\9\9[3100, 536.83],
\9\9\9\9[3200, 535.38],
\9\9\9\9[3300, 534.47],
\9\9\9\9[3400, 532.44],
\9\9\9\9[3500, 528.74],
\9\9\9\9[3600, 523.20],
\9\9\9\9[3700, 516.13],
\9\9\9\9[3800, 508.08],
\9\9\9\9[3900, 499.75],
\9\9\9\9[4000, 491.79],
\9\9\9\9[4100, 484.34],
\9\9\9\9[4200, 476.75],
\9\9\9\9[4700, 461.58],
\9\9\9\9[5200, 431.23],
\9\9\9\9[5700, 370.53],
\9\9\9\9[6200, 249.14],
\9\9\9\9[6700, 6.34],
\9\9\9//rev limiters have some options
\9\9\9//“revLimiterType”:“rpmDrop”, //Default choice. waits for rpm to fall before torque comes back. Can have long delays in high gears. Uses “revLimiterRPMDrop”.
\9\9\9//“revLimiterType”:“timeBased”, //Waits for “revLimiterCutTime” time window, but also has “revLimiterMaxRPMDrop” fallback, if the rpm falls too much in the time window.
\9\9\9//“revLimiterType:“soft”, //Tapers the the torque off in some range of rpm defined by “revLimiterSmoothOvershootRPM”
\9\9\9"hasRevLimiter”:false, //Disables rev limiter
\9\9\9//engine performance
\9\9\9"maxRPM":6696.4935848684, //Max RPM before overrev damage is likely
\9\9\9"inertia":"$=0.27354104258348*$EngineInertiaMod", //(kgm/s^2)
\9\9\9"friction":76.001594543457, //Constant friction torque (Nm)
\9\9\9"dynamicFriction":0.058938873691806, //Friction torque that increases with engine speed (Nm/rad/s)
\9\9\9"engineBrakeTorque":76.001594543457, //Constant friction torque (Nm)
\9\9\9"waterDamage": {"[engineGroup]:":[“engine_intake”]}, //Engine hydrolocks when nodes in this group go under water
\9\9\9"radiator": {"[engineGroup]:":[“radiator”]}, //Radiator steam is emitted from nodes in this group
\9\9\9"engineBlock": {"[engineGroup]:":[“engine_block”]}, //Engine thermal mass is taken from nodes in this group
\9\9\9//“fuel”: {"[engineGroup]:":[“fuel”]},
\9\9\9"breakTriggerBeam":“engine”, //Engine breaks if beam with this name is broken
\9\9\9"soundConfigExhaust": “soundConfigExhaust”, //What section name to look for for engine sound information
\9\9\9//Exhaust Settings
\9\9\9//Exhaust Sound/back fires
\9\9\9"instantAfterFireCoef": “$=$instantAfterFireCoef$$AfterfireMod",
\9\9\9"sustainedAfterFireCoef": "$=$sustainedAfterFireCoef$$AfterfireMod”,
\9\9\9"instantAfterFireSound": “event:>Vehicle>Afterfire>v8_crossflow_02>muffled>stock_single”,
\9\9\9"sustainedAfterFireSound": “event:>Vehicle>Afterfire>v8_crossflow_02>muffled>stock_multi”,
\9\9\9"shiftAfterFireSound": “event:>Vehicle>Afterfire>v8_crossflow_02>muffled>stock_shift”,
\9\9\9//cooling and oil system,
\9\9\9"engineBlockMaterial":"$engineBlockMaterial$", //“aluminum”, “aluminium”, “iron”
\9\9\9//cooling system
\9\9\9//oil radiator
\9\9\9"oilVolume":$oilVolume$, //Litres
\9\9\9//engine durability
\9\9\9"cylinderWallTemperatureDamageThreshold":310, //Cylinder temp (C) over which damage starts to occur to rings
\9\9\9"headGasketDamageThreshold":1700000, //Durability of headgasket
\9\9\9"pistonRingDamageThreshold":1700000, //Durability of headgasket
\9\9\9"connectingRodDamageThreshold":2200000, //Durability of connecting rods
\9\9\9"maxTorqueRating": 659.83655465423,
\9\9\9"maxOverTorqueDamage": 250,
\9\9\9"energyStorage": “mainTank”, //Name of the fuel tank
\9\9\9"requiredEnergyType":“gasoline”, //Type of fuel required
\9\9\9"burnEfficiency": [ //How much fuel energy is converted to work in the cylinders (does not account for engine friction losses)
\9\9\9\9[0.00, 0.21],
\9\9\9\9[0.05, 0.44],
\9\9\9\9[0.40, 0.58],
\9\9\9\9[0.70, 0.72],
\9\9\9\9[1.00, 0.49],
\9\9"vehicleController": {
\9\9\9//VehicleController - BeamNG
\9\9\9//I will put commonly used values below
\9\9\9//universally useful values
\9\9\9//“calculateOptimalLoadShiftPoints”:true, //The high shift points ones can be auto calculated
\9\9\9//“shiftDownRPMOffsetCoef”:1.3, //Can spread the downshift points for auto calculation if it tends to hunt too much (choose lower number to spread more)
\9\9\9//“topSpeedLimit”:0, //Speed limiter in m/s
\9\9\9//may want to increase values below for ultra high powered cars. On our drag cars they are set to 99999 to effectively disable
\9\9\9//“wheelSlipUpThreshold”:7000, //A wheelspin threshold to stop arcade/auto gearbox from upshifting while spinning the tires or drifting
\9\9\9//“wheelSlipDownThreshold”:10000, //A wheelspin threshold to stop arcade/auto gearbox from downshifting when locking the brakes
\9\9"soundConfigExhaust": {
\9\9\9"sampleName": “$sampleName$”,
\9\9\9"mainGain": $engineVolume$,
\9\9\9"maxLoadMix": 1,
\9\9\9"minLoadMix": 0,
\9\9\9"eqLowGain": 0,
\9\9\9"eqLowFreq": 400,
\9\9\9"eqLowWidth": 1,
\9\9\9"eqHighGain": 1.21,
\9\9\9"eqHighFreq": 6000,
\9\9\9"eqHighWidth": 0.5,
\9\9\9"eqFundamentalGain": 0
\9"Camso_Transmission_$trimUID$": {
\9\9\9"authors":“Camshaft Software”,
\9\9\9"name":“5-Speed Manual Transmission”
\9\9"slotType" : “Camso_Transmission”,
\9\9"slots": [
\9\9\9[“type”, “default”, “description”],
\9\9\9[“Camso_TransferCase”, “$TransferCaseName$”, “Transfer Case”],
\9\9"variables": [
\9\9\9[“name”, “type”, “unit”, “category”, “default”, “min”, “max”, “title”, “description”],
\9\9\9\9["$whineMult", “range”, “”, “Gearing”, 1, 0, 5, “Whine Volume”, “Gearbox whine volume multiplier”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 1, “minDis”: 0, “maxDis”: 500}],
\9\9\9["$gear_R", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 2.56, 0.1, 10, “Gear R”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_1", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 2.43, 0.1, 10, “Gear 1”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_2", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 1.64, 0.1, 10, “Gear 2”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_3", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 1.21, 0.1, 10, “Gear 3”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_4", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 0.94, 0.1, 10, “Gear 4”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_5", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 0.75, 0.1, 10, “Gear 5”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}]
\9\9"controller": [
\9\9"gearbox": {
\9\9\9//ManualGearbox - BeamNG
\9\9\9//“gearDamageThreshold”:3000, //Multiplier for tolerance to smashing gears (no clutch + mismatched rpm)
\9\9\9"gearRatios":["$=-$gear_R", 0, “$gear_1”, “$gear_2”, “$gear_3”, “$gear_4”, “$gear_5”],
\9\9\9"friction": 0, //Constant friction torque on input shaft
\9\9\9"gearboxNode:":[“engine0”], //node used to play gear damage sound
\9\9\9"gearWhineCoefsInput": ["$=$whineMult * 0.60", 0, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”],
\9\9\9"gearWhineCoefsOutput": [0, 0, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”],
\9\9\9"gearWhineInputEvent": “event:>Vehicle>Transmission>helical_01>twine_in”,
\9\9\9"gearWhineOutputEvent": “event:>Vehicle>Transmission>helical_01>twine_out”,
\9\9"clutch": {
\9\9\9//“clutchMass”:10, //Thermal mass representing clutch disc and PP/Clutch surfaces
\9\9\9//“coolingCoef”:1, //Multiplier to tweak how fast it cools
\9\9\9//“warningTemp”:200, //Temp for UI warning
\9\9\9//“maxSafeClutchTemp”:300, //Temp after which torque limit decreases (but may recover if left to cool)
\9\9\9//“clutchOverheatRange”:100, //Additional temp before clutch is pretty wrecked and won’t recover much
\9\9\9//“maxClutchTemp”:500, //Clutch will never recover at all if it hits this temp
\9\9\9 //manual transmission useful values
\9\9\9"clutchLaunchStartRPM":702.37257639876, //RPM where launching behavior starts
\9\9\9"clutchLaunchTargetRPM":1202.3725763988, //RPM it tries to maintain while launching
\9\9\9"transmissionShiftDelay":0.05, //Time taken in between clutching actions
\9\9\9"revMatchThrottle":0.65, //Controls shift rev matching assist. Reduce this value to as much as 0.25 for high powered engines
\9\9\9"clutchInRate":9, //Controls shift assist clutching speed (value of 5 will be take 1/5 seconds to complete)
\9\9\9"clutchOutRate":9, //Controls shift assist clutching speed (value of 5 will be take 1/5 seconds to complete)
\9\9\9"calculateOptimalLoadShiftPoints":true, //The high shift points ones can be auto calculated
\9\9"powertrain" : [
\9\9\9[“type”, “name”, “inputName”, “inputIndex”],
\9\9\9[“frictionClutch”, “clutch”, “mainEngine”, 1],
\9\9\9[“manualGearbox”, “gearbox”, “clutch”, 1],
\9"Camso_Transmission_Sequential_$trimUID$": {
\9\9\9"authors":“Camshaft Software”,
\9\9\9"name":“5-Speed Sequential Transmission”,
\9\9"slotType" : “Camso_Transmission”,
\9\9"slots": [
\9\9\9[“type”, “default”, “description”],
\9\9\9[“Camso_TransferCase”, “$TransferCaseName$”, “Transfer Case”],
\9\9"variables": [
\9\9\9[“name”, “type”, “unit”, “category”, “default”, “min”, “max”, “title”, “description”],
\9\9\9["$whineMult", “range”, “”, “Gearing”, 1, 0, 5, “Whine Volume”, “Gearbox whine volume multiplier”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 1, “minDis”: 0, “maxDis”: 500}],
\9\9\9["$gear_R", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 2.56, 0.1, 10, “Gear R”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_1", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 2.43, 0.1, 10, “Gear 1”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_2", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 1.64, 0.1, 10, “Gear 2”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_3", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 1.21, 0.1, 10, “Gear 3”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_4", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 0.94, 0.1, 10, “Gear 4”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_5", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 0.75, 0.1, 10, “Gear 5”, “Gear ratio”, {“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}]
\9\9"controller": [
\9\9"gearbox": {
\9\9\9//ManualGearbox - BeamNG
\9\9\9//“gearDamageThreshold”:3000, //Multiplier for tolerance to smashing gears (no clutch + mismatched rpm)
\9\9\9"gearRatios":["$=-$gear_R", 0, “$gear_1”, “$gear_2”, “$gear_3”, “$gear_4”, “$gear_5”],
\9\9\9"friction": 0, //Constant friction torque on input shaft
\9\9\9"gearboxNode:":[“engine0”], //node used to play gear damage sound
\9\9\9"gearWhineCoefsInput": ["$=$whineMult * 0.60", 0, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”, “$=$whineMult * 0.25”],
\9\9\9"gearWhineCoefsOutput": [0, 0, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”, “$=$whineMult * 0.24”],
\9\9\9"gearWhineInputEvent": “event:>Vehicle>Transmission>helical_01>twine_in”,
\9\9\9"gearWhineOutputEvent": “event:>Vehicle>Transmission>helical_01>twine_out”,
\9\9"clutch": {
\9\9\9//“clutchMass”:10, //Thermal mass representing clutch disc and PP/Clutch surfaces
\9\9\9//“coolingCoef”:1, //Multiplier to tweak how fast it cools
\9\9\9//“warningTemp”:200, //Temp for UI warning
\9\9\9//“maxSafeClutchTemp”:300, //Temp after which torque limit decreases (but may recover if left to cool)
\9\9\9//“clutchOverheatRange”:100, //Additional temp before clutch is pretty wrecked and won’t recover much
\9\9\9//“maxClutchTemp”:500, //Clutch will never recover at all if it hits this temp
\9\9\9 //manual transmission useful values
\9\9\9"clutchLaunchStartRPM":702.37257639876, //RPM where launching behavior starts
\9\9\9"clutchLaunchTargetRPM":1202.3725763988, //RPM it tries to maintain while launching
\9\9\9"transmissionShiftDelay":0.05, //Time taken in between clutching actions
\9\9\9"revMatchThrottle":0.65, //Controls shift rev matching assist. Reduce this value to as much as 0.25 for high powered engines
\9\9\9"clutchInRate":20, //Controls shift assist clutching speed (value of 5 will be take 1/5 seconds to complete)
\9\9\9"clutchOutRate":20, //Controls shift assist clutching speed (value of 5 will be take 1/5 seconds to complete)
\9\9\9"calculateOptimalLoadShiftPoints":true, //The high shift points ones can be auto calculated
\9\9"powertrain" : [
\9\9\9[“type”, “name”, “inputName”, “inputIndex”],
\9\9\9[“frictionClutch”, “clutch”, “mainEngine”, 1],
\9\9\9[“sequentialGearbox”, “gearbox”, “clutch”, 1],
\9"Camso_Transmission_Race": {
\9\9\9"authors":“Camshaft Software”,
\9\9\9"name":“Race 6-Speed Sequential Transmission”
\9\9"slotType" : “Camso_Transmission”,
\9\9"slots": [
\9\9\9[“type”, “default”, “description”],
\9\9\9[“Camso_TransferCase”, “$TransferCaseName$”, “Transfer Case”],
\9\9"variables": [
\9\9\9[“name”, “type”, “unit”, “category”, “default”, “min”, “max”, “title”, “description”]
\9\9\9["$whineMult", “range”, “”, “Gearing”, 1, 0, 5, “Whine Volume”, “Gearbox whine volume multiplier”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 1, “minDis”: 0, “maxDis”: 500}],
\9\9\9["$gear_R_race", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 2.95, 0.5, 5, “Gear R”, “Gear ratio”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_1_race", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 3.65, 0.5, 5, “Gear 1”, “Gear ratio”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_2_race", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 2.37, 0.5, 5, “Gear 2”, “Gear ratio”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_3_race", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 1.67, 0.5, 5, “Gear 3”, “Gear ratio”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_4_race", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 1.28, 0.5, 5, “Gear 4”, “Gear ratio”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_5_race", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 1.02, 0.5, 5, “Gear 5”, “Gear ratio”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}],
\9\9\9["$gear_6_race", “range”, “:1”, “Gearing”, 0.82, 0.5, 5, “Gear 6”, “Gear ratio”,{“subCategory”: “Transmission”, “stepDis”: 0.01}]
\9\9"controller": [
\9\9"gearbox": {
\9\9\9"gearRatios":["$=-$gear_R_race", 0, “$gear_1_race”, “$gear_2_race”, “$gear_3_race”, “$gear_4_race”, “$gear_5_race”, “$gear_6_race”],
\9\9\9"torqueLossCoef": 0.013,
\9\9\9"gearWhineCoefsInput": ["$=$whineMult * 0.32", 0.00, “$=$whineMult * 0.32”, “$=$whineMult * 0.32”, “$=$whineMult * 0.32”, “$=$whineMult * 0.32”, “$=$whineMult * 0.32”, “$=$whineMult * 0.32”],
\9\9\9"gearWhineCoefsOutput": [0.00, 0.00, “$=$whineMult * 0.60”, “$=$whineMult * 0.60”, “$=$whineMult * 0.60”, “$=$whineMult * 0.60”, “$=$whineMult * 0.60”, “$=$whineMult * 0.60”],
\9\9\9"gearWhineInputEvent": “event:>Vehicle>Transmission>straight_01>twine_in_race”,
\9\9\9"gearWhineOutputEvent": “event:>Vehicle>Transmission>straight_01>twine_out_race”
\9\9"clutch": {
\9\9"vehicleController": {
\9\9\9"calculateOptimalLoadShiftPoints": true,
\9\9\9"clutchLaunchStartRPM":702.37257639876, //RPM where launching behavior starts
\9\9\9"clutchLaunchTargetRPM":1202.3725763988 //RPM it tries to maintain while launching
\9\9"powertrain" : [
\9\9\9[“type”, “name”, “inputName”, “inputIndex”],
\9\9\9[“frictionClutch”, “clutch”, “mainEngine”, 1],
\9\9\9[“sequentialGearbox”, “gearbox”, “clutch”, 1]
\9"Camso_FuelTank_$trimUID$": {
\9\9\9"name":“Gasoline Fuel Tank”,
Part 1