You, the CEO of a private luxury car part business, have been given Murrey Motors’ finest Chevron and an infinite budget and you have been asked to make it as prestigious and as comfortable as possible.
MM Chevron - Rev0.lua (76.3 KB)
How this will work:
[size=200]A[/size]ttached at the top of this post is the file for a “Chevron” from “Murrey Motors”, you have to download that car and make it as prestigious and as comfortable as possible (stat wise). You have no limit on production units or total cost. You have until the 15th of December.
Once I have your finished product, I will look at the “Prestige” and the “Comfort” stat and add the two values together and that will be your score. For example, the car when stock has 32.8 comfort and 11.8 prestige, those added together give you a score of 44.6. However, that isn’t the only way you can get points…
Extra Points:
[size=200]E[/size]xtra points will be awarded for the following things:
[ul]Best fuel mileage: 5 points
Fastest car: 5 points
Most powerful engine: 3 points
Slowest car: 3.5 points
Least powerful engine: 2 points
Fastest car around the Airfield track: 5 points
Cheapest TOTAL cost: 4 points
Most expensive TOTAL cost: 4 points
Best looking car: 5 points (explained further down below)[/ul]
Best looking car:
[size=200]A[/size]fter all the entries are in, I will open a poll and will post photos of all of the cars here and you will have the opportunity to judge which one you prefer (looks wise). The winner of that will receive a further 5 points.
What you can and can’t do:
You can:
[ul]Change all fixtures
Change the current engine
Modify the current engine
Use quality sliders
Use modded fixtures, I will tell you if there’s a problem with your car though[/ul]
You can’t:
[ul]Completely remake the body. You MUST use the body I have provided you with, however (again), you can change all fixtures.
[size=50](Needless to say)[/size] Mod the car with LUA and such.[/ul]
How I want you to send your entry and name your car:
Please name your car like this: “Username - Car Nickname”, for example mine would be “Microwave - Chevron V8” or something like that. [size=50](I hope you understand that…)[/size]
Please send your entry like this:
Username -
[Car file]
Car nickname -
[size=200]A[/size]gain, you have until December the 15th to submit your car. If there is any problems with the rules and such, do not be afraid to PM me or post something in this thread. Good luck and happy building