Midnight Race Hunter SSX [BATTLE FOUR 12/03]

can you please specify a timezone so everyone’s on the same page


is anybody interested in trying to build a team on here? or are we all looking outside of this thread for race partners?

I wonder what people would think about a “singles list”, for people who have yet to find themselves a partner but wish to partake in the challenge? I think it’d be effective as people could just pick from the list and DM them. If people find a partner they can DM me to take them off the list.


the invitation

Yamitani, August 199█

A mysterious and peculiar classified appeared in the local newspaper one day. But this wasn’t like any other, a hidden code understood by street racers was embedded into it. This simply isn’t just a classified about a used handbag, it was much more underneath the kana that was printed onto the paper.

This was an invitation.

Those who cracked the code gathered to the designated location at the time planned. October 17th, 12:00 AM, Amatsukame Station. People who came were skeptical, and this skepticism of theirs only grew as they arrived to witness a black American SUV sitting in the parking lot in front of the station, in front of it a stepping platform apparently for climbing onto its square hood that acted as a table of sorts.

Next to the vehicle was a figure, no taller than 170 centimetres and sharply dressed. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until one would gaze upon the figure’s face, and find it covered by a mask with a letter from an alphabet unfamiliar to the locals. Σ, it said.

Upon the arrival of people at the scene, they were greeted by the figure, who spoke elegantly but in an oddly robotic voice that sounded as though it were altered by a computer and spoken through a speaker. It was not un-human, but it felt off to whoever heard it.

“If you are interested in defending the honour of Yamitani, then please step ahead and acquire the paper on the table before you.”

Table of course, meaning the large, nearly flat, glossy surface of the American vehicle’s hood.

The braver ones among the crowd stepped forward, and up on the wide stool that sat before the bumper of the car, and anxiously took a paper from the stack that was sitting on the hood. Upon their scanning of the file, it would contain instructions both in English, and Japanese.

Proud hashiriya of Yamitani, if you have gathered here tonight, you have heeded my call.

Pardon my rough introduction, for I cannot make it to be with you all on this lovely evening, but my representative remains here to guide you with any questions you may have. Its name is Sigma, and it will be helping you through what you may desire to inquire about this situation you have entered.

The honour code of our streets has been broken, and we are looking for those who are willing to mend it once more.

Form a clan of racers. Two or three of you. Two to race, one to strategize. Build yourselves as though an army ready to conquer or defend.

Race until you find the greatest amongst yourselves.

I, X, will be guiding you to the very end.

The prize will be the chance to represent the glory of our region, and to officially fight back against those who challenged us.

Sign your names, and continue to heed this call of mine once you hand it to my dearest Sigma.


The words were oblique, but oddly understandable despite the severe lack of a lot of majorly common kanji used in the writing of the letter. Sigma stood there, unmoving as usual. It answered questions, but these responses were as vague as the paper written.

Even then, the bravest ones decided to write their name down, and it would only be a matter of time until they would receive their responses. They handed their papers over to the obedient servant, who bowed with elegant glee from every response.

Not even weeks would go by, and X would invite them to the first joust.

Papers mysteriously mailed to people’s doors, signaling that the game had indeed begun.

The hunt for Yamitani’s best hashiriya.

The clock now slowly ticks down to zero.

Entries are now accepted. Please be sure to double check all rules before submitting.


Once you’ve submitted, feel free to start role playing or posting your prologues before the race. I want to read y’alls stories!


UPDATE: Weird and funny life happenings has caused a slight delay in me being able to check for entries, so expect a deadline extension sometime soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!



Because of my slight scheduling cockup, I’ve extended the deadline by about 6 or whatever days to October 29th JST. New timer available both here and in the OP.

Also, please be sure to check the singles list if you’re still looking for a partner. If you want to be put on the list, just hit me with a DM either here or on Discord (YuriBread#8831).

There’s still five clan slots available so make sure to use your time wisely!



So it is what it says. There’s about (slightly more than) 3 days until the deadline. I forgot to remind people about the deadline like 2 days ago so that’s why i’m totally not panicking. The singles list still exists so if you’re looking for people to partner up with go ahead and mingle mingle.

So far, there are 5 clan slots filled up, which means there’s still room for six more people to join so I can have an even bracket.

also here's a sketch of Sigma for those that read the invitation bit, as well as another mysterious individual you will meet at the actual races


So with about 2 days left to the deadline, I’m considering one last extension because of some people with an apparent interest in participating, but not having enough time, as well as me not wanting to have to fill the rest of the slots with NPC teams.

To finalize things, i’ll set up a poll and if there’s actually enough people who are willing to find a partner to participate, I’ll extend, if not I’ll just use NPC teams with randomly generated stats.

  • I’m interested in extending the deadline to Monday JST (extra 2 days-ish)
  • I’m interested in extending the deadline to Wednesday JST (basically an extra week)
  • Keep it as it is, just use NPC teams

0 voters

EDIT adding this additional poll as well because some people can’t seem to find partners

  • Create pairs for those in the singles list
  • let me swipe left/right on my own :angry::angry::angry:

0 voters


24 hours have passed since the poll ended, which means it is now closed, thanks for your feedback.

The following is now confirmed:


(will update the OP right after this goes live)
that’s actually like five days, time flies quickly holy shit
Hoping this time entries actually fill up the slots before the deadline. This will be the final extension.

Also, with the results from the poll, here’s the single people who I put through a pair generator:

@KSIolajidebt + @BannedByAndroid

@interior + @Riley

@Fayeding_Spray there wasn’t enough people, sorry

It’s completely up to y’all whether to go with this pairing or not. But there you go.






Quick note, not really a strict requirement but might as well let everyone know it’s highly recommended to get any pre-race RP out before the date listed here (November 3rd 2022)


How many submissions were there? Just curious.

Plus can anyone else enter the race or is it closed and is now in deciding who won?

Entries are closed, there’s 8 teams so that’s at least 16 cars not counting the 5 or so backups (haven’t kept count of the backups.)

Can I send a prop vehicle or something? Maybe a service vehicle that would be used in the future if the storyline has something about a crash?

Thanks for the offer, but that won’t be necessary.











9X/11/5 | 21:30

november 5th

Ⅹは待っている. | X is waiting.


From @lazar and @Xepy



Yohaku, August 199X

The days in August had started out like any other - busy, loud, full of traffic going around the crowded streets. It was chaotic, yet peaceful. Normal, for the daytime dwellers of Yohaku, as it was just more days to work, days to slave away at their nine to five, making dollars per hour. That was of course, for the ordinary folk.

For Isamu his days were far more inconsistent. Some days he’d start off just like any other adult - wake up and have breakfast with his wife and kid, go to his shop, and manage his business and underlings behind a big desk, then go and drink and smoke with his crew. Other days however, it’ll be bloody if he had to deal with rivals or uncooperative clients, stressful if his own underlings get into trouble, or amazingly celebratory if a deal went as planned.

The life of being a boss was a strange one, a busy one, and with all the wealth and power it had earned him, he never really regretted it. But if there was one thing he missed, it was the freedom and lack of responsibility from before. To fuck around on the streets, without a care in the world. Hanging out with friends all night, partying, and maybe what was most fun for him - racing. The thrill of speed, the risk and danger. It was fun, exhilarating. But there really wasn’t an excuse to do it again.

That was until a reason had came up again.

It was typical, old fashioned, but clear to those who knew. A message, but more accurately, a code, one used by street racers hidden upon the classifieds of the newspaper. An invitation to race.

Isamu smiled. Maybe there’s a reason to look back into the racing scene afterall.

During the time between the scheduled meeting at the designated location, Isamu began rebuilding his old racing clan, ECLIPSƎ. It had been years since the tag had been ran, with it being around a decade since the disbanding of the old squad. Still, it held a good bit of nostalgia for him, and he reckon - possibly holding some street legend lore. “Those who eclipsed the sun in the high noon”. But like an eclipse, it came, and it went.

Regardless, first thing for the rebuild was its drivers - something surprisingly difficult given how many of his associates that had races either unsurprisingly given up the hobby at their age, or had also unsurprisingly, passed away. Fortunately, his crew itself did have a talented young driver - a protege of his by the name of Koyomi Kurose. Not only was he a devil behind the wheel, it would also give him a place to use his meticulously well tuned EFI. That gift was meant to be enjoyed afterall. Though there were other drivers that were up to the task - the task being, drive - Isamu wanted someone who could do a bit more. Someone who could properly race. And, not already part of another team.

A month had rolled by, and the search was still going. Both Isamu’s Kaufmann and Koyomi’s EFI had undergone prep work, tuning work and visual modifications, designating their clan. A deep metallic purple, with simple stickers. It wasn’t complicated, but it stood out. Plus, with it being an independent entity, Isamu won’t need to share it with the heads of the Yakuza - that is of course, until it becomes a successful bragging right.

As October had approached, one of his old associates gave Isamu a recommendation for his reborn clan, a driver by the name of Kimiko Yamazaki. A quick trial was all it took for her to be accepted - even if she was a bit rough around the edges. Perhaps it was a bit quick, but maybe that’s the point.

October 16th

The drive to Amatsukame Station was a surprisingly quiet one. Isamu insisted they take his usual Kaufmann Ataraxia instead, maybe a bit of scepticism on his mind growing about the designated point. As such, the blacked out luxury sedan kept things low-key. Koyomi was at the wheel of the car, while Isamu was behind him, window open as he smoked his cigarette. Kimiko beside him was staring out the window, abit fidgety. As they got close to the station she was one to break the silence.

“This better be not for nothing, didn’t think I’d spend my night in a car with an old man and his lackey.” Kimiko said, with a sigh. Isamu took a drag and exhaled out the window, but opted to stay silent.

“You chose to be here.” Koyomi stated, glancing at her from the rear view mirror.

“It sounded fun on the invite.” Kimiko shrugged.

Arriving to the station, there was already people that have gathered at the designated point- a varied group but definitely no one that seemed to have taken charge. Mostly people who talked amongst themselves, perhaps not wanting to stand out in a blatantly illegal event. That was until midnight finally struck, that a black American SUV arrived, something that completely stood out despite of its dark exterior.

“American huh, that’s a choice.” Koyomi noted, his eyes trained on the large SUV.

“A lotta money to pay for a piece of shit.” Kimiko added, not holding back on her opinion of the imported truck.

Equally as interesting as the vehicle they arrived in was the masked figure that came out of it, with some sort of symbol on the mask. Isamu looked on curiously, awaiting what the person would say. And spoke they did, with a voice altered and distorted.

“If you are interested in defending the honour of Yamitani, then please step ahead and acquire the paper on the table before you.”

Kimiko and Koyomi glanced at Isamu, who shrugged and exhaled out some smoke. He then left his post, strolling slowly but purposefully over to the SUV. Taking one of the papers from the stack, he glanced over the text, before returning to Koyomi and Kimiko. He handed it over, with Kimiko grabbing it to read. Koyomi looked over her shoulder to read it.

Isamu took a deep smoke, blowing out the smoke before dropping the cigarette. He then finally spoke. “Seems like it’s the real deal.”

The Clan

Koyomi Kurose

Height: 180cm

An intelligent, pragmatic young man. Lost his mother because of complications at the birth of his younger sister Emi, his father turned into a neglectful deadbeat. With no perspective and needing money to take care of his family he turns to Satos group who becomes his protégé and introduces him to yakuza life. Koyomis affinity and fascination for cars become apparent quite early and as such has him driving for the group at the age of 15. As a reward for his loyalty and hard work, he gets gifted his EFI, which he meticulously tunes and uses to represent the eclipse clan; its RR layout demanding the undivided attention and focus of the driver. Koyomi wasn’t dealt a kind hand in life; past experiences leave him still looking for his purpose and some peace of mind.

Vehicle: EFI Komi S

Kimko Yamazaki

Age: 22
Height: 161cm

Kimiko is the youngest daughter of a high-ranking Yakusa member, though is not officially in the organisation. She is known to be impulsive, a bit hot-headed and a daredevil, having street raced for the thrill of it ever since she got her licence - first messing with Bosozoku gangs on a motorbike before switching over to cars. From that step, she has a preference for lightweight, darty cars - the midship Nanahoshi Anima GT-S serving her well the past few years. While her personality can be a bit hard to handle at times, there is no doubting her skill behind the wheel. One thing Kimiko always keeps in her car is a purple octopus stuffed animal that she claims to be her lucky charm.

Vehicle: Nanahoshi Anima GT-S

Isamu Sato

Age: 40
Height: 169cm

Isamu is a local Yakuza boss in Yohaku, and an experienced, semi-retired hashiriya. Level headed, hardened and strangely calm, Isamu speaks with experience and has an air of control around him. He leads the new iteration of the eclipse clan, providing funding and words of wisdom for the drivers. In the day/ most evenings he manages a pachinko parlour, which is most definitely not a money laundering site for the Yakuza. Street racing and automobiles is very much a hobby for him, so he keeps a good separation between them and his work, and thus keeps with the honour of the roads without interference. While he has been more active in the wangan as of late, he still knows the mountains well from his older days and will step in if necessary.

Vehicle: Kaufmann Viera TSR


(and Fuji Naoki @Falling_Comet)


-August 199X, Shiromine Line-


The roads of Shiromine, laid down by long and winding roads, glistened by the ever-turning bright blue sky as it approaches the morning of the day.
The silence, the mainstay of the night has been disturbed by the echoing of a bellow. Bright lights can be seen through the trees and bushes, tire screeching can be heard, as it gets ever closer.
The bellow gets louder and chaotic, as if there was a race.

Somewhere near the top of the pass, in one of Shiromine’s high-speed corners, a pair of bystanders await aimlessly next to their car

“Eh? I hear something is coming by real fast. Could it be?”

As the time passes, headlights on high beam flashed their eyes briefly as the two cars appear from the previous corner.
From a distance, a Black Suisei Tengai and a bright Yellow Bradford XR-1 are battling it out on the uphills of Shiromine Line at the break of dawn.

“Its Naoki from VVA!”

The two cars passed by them in a flashed, as if there was no time to slow down.

“Behind him!, she is not far behind him, she definitely has the skill to keep up with Shiromine’s best”

“Stupid! She is VVA’s newest addition, Feia Ascari, known for her rallying career in Europe, competing at the highest level of motorsport”

“Naoki’s definitely lucky to snag her, VVA’s already known to be Shiromine’s group of the best touge drivers, but with someone like her, they are unstoppable”

Turbo whistling can be heard as gears are shifted and off the two cars went as everything happened in an instant.


-Top of Shiromine Line-

The battle has reached its ending on top of the pass, The Suisei upfront turns on its hazard lights, soon followed the Bradford. Both cars pulled to the side of the road. The top of the pass, usually where the Von Vittoria Atsu clan hangs out, is empty at this hour. Naoki was the first to get out, followed by Feia.

“Feia, you are getting better by the hour! Keep this up and no one will keep up with you in this course”, Naoki complimented on Feia regarding her course mastery.

“Thanks, though I would like to admit I can do better in some of the corners, I feel like I have a lot more to learn about touge racing in general”, Feia replied back.

“It reminds me of the first time we met in this pass before I joined VVA, I remember when I tried catching up to you but couldn’t keep up”, Feia added more.

“Haha, I do remember that, it was really unexpected for that to happen, but from there history was made”, Naoki recalls.

“A rally driver like me knows only to chase time, but I want to battle it out with people”, Feia looks up into the sky as she spoke

“Your lines are already top notch, though that goes without saying. You will just need to battle it out more and more”, Naoki commented.

“Oh right, that reminds me”

Naoki went back swiftly to his car and opened the glovebox, to what appears to be a newspaper.
He went back to Feia right after getting a hold of the newspaper.

“What’ve you got there with you?”, Feia said with curiosity.

“A newspaper”, Naoki spoke briefly.

“What about it? You know I can’t read Japanese, at least not just yet”, Feia replied snarkly about her basic comprehension of Japanese.

“Oh right, I forgot that you are a foreigner”, Naoki hit with sudden realization.

“Anyways, let me translate it to you”, Naoki continued after regaining his composure.

Naoki comes closer to Feia and points to a seemingly normal section of the newspaper.

“I was reading the newspaper one day, then something caught my eye”
“I decided to read further and it was written in code.”
“I tried cracking the code, it something along the lines of a Secret Society or something”

“So something like the Mafia or the Yakuza”, Feia jokingly said.

“Don’t be ridiculous! Anyways, it also said something about a hashiriya of Yamitani, Naoki snapped back then explained further

“Hashiriya, huh? If I remember hearing it from a native speaker, I know it means that and it must be…”, Feia thought out loud

“You are indeed thinking what I think it is”


Feia Ascari is an Italian born from Northern Italy on the summer of 1961. Birthed from a family engulfed in the flames of motorsport, it was already destined for Feia to end up in a motorsport discipline. After finishing high school in 1979, Feia decided to take up the amateur rallying scene. Feia struggled for quite a while but soon after, she was able to produce results for her hometown’s local rallying team, garnering top 10 finishes and attention from big league rallying organization, particularly from the motorsport division of Bradford Design.

She was hired by Bradford on '81 and assigned as a test driver for the upcoming Group B machine dubbed the “XR-1”, a stubby 4WD hatch with a turbocharged 1.4L Inline 4.

Her inputs and comments were instrumental in the development of the car and the car was finished in '83, just in time for the WRC season that year.

After grim and abrupt end of Group B in '86, Feia migrated to Japan in '89 due to personal reasons and moved away from rallying and into track racing, opening a one-man tuning shop in the process that involves suspension and turbo tuning on Inline 4’s.

In '92, Feia was scouring the newspaper’s to look for her next project car, when she saw something that caught her attention.

From the Japanese kanji , she immediately noticed the name “XR-1”, she went ahead and contacted the owner, with memories from her rallying days suddenly overflowing. When she saw it in person, she couldn’t believe her eyes, an XR-1 homologation model. When she looked around, she was thinking about her past, her past that was riddled with the '86 WRC season, she knew nothing can be done about it and she can only look foward into the future.

With her ample savings from her earnings as a rally driver and her cash flow from her tuning shop, she was able to buy the car and work began immediately to bring the car to its Group B spec.

She is now reunited with her past and nothing can stop her.