The perfect car for Kalan.
I’m specially selecting a rattling mix of the most extravagant and overcharged cars in order to understand if it would be possible, in the course of the experiment, to create a superior car out of the friendly plush assortment that Automation offered in the vast majority of cases.
The task is set very unclearly and tolerantly. So it’s completely unknown what the output will be. I hope you have fun creating it.
So, I don’t know what will be result, so the winner will be the one who makes the car most similar to my character. You can use ready-made developments, and degrade them if you want.
The main benchmarks are:
No older than 1938
No parquets crossovers
Not must be flying.
Them can not play in bowling.
It must not approach a Chevrolet Sting Ray Coupe.
Does not look like a BMW of any kind.
I’ll take into account the conceptual idea that you was trying to attempt, and if the auto doesn’t represent well what you was trying to do, it will get small subjective points.
Design rating: a progressive absolute scale, with values from 1 to 10 as standard, and bonus points if the design is successful beyond that. (This is how I’m used to sometimes rating the food I eat, because as a degustator, I’ve learned to assign points accurately.) You can only get a negative score if the design is clearly disgusting.
Interior requirements: the minimum set is sufficient.
Grading will be on a relative scale, where 1 is the very minimum and 10 is the full maximum.
Grading the exam will be subjective, as I will be evaluating how well the build suited me. As well as my lack of knowledge in automotive engineering.
Since this is a new direction of the Challenge section, I decided to label it with the code word MLC - if the forum (site) members will like this direction of the game.
In order to make the Challenge a little burning, I decided not to increase the acceptance period more than 24 days from the date of sending the task.
Therefore, there will be a mandatory closing after 16, if no entry have been received, and up to 28 days, if there are more participants than expected. The extra days are also given to participants in order to have time to compile an entertaining magazine presentation for the readers of the Automation The Car Company Tycoon Game site.
- The Challenge opens for equally 24 days from the time the task is submitted, and only in special cases - 28 days, and necessarily closes after 16 days if no entry are received.
(According to my measurements, this is normal).
My Loved Car 1 - is your NAME + your TRIM name
No strict rules to the technical task to focus on sculpting the model (of course if the hoster himself is not expecting a stealthy hitting in this nomination).
Without rigid focus on the realism of car behavior (of course, if the hoster himself does not intend it)
Total points are not displayed, as the task is not strictly defined, and will be resentment, as there is supposed to be a large scatter.
Whatever the designer wants to present, he does it himself, as the hoster may not pay attention to it.
One entry per participant.
The hoster’s flag is passed to the person who won the last challenge and onward in queue, but no more than twice in a row.
In case of a short - unraised Challenge, the host chooses the next player from any represented participant on the forum.
Basically the point of the game is consists in what to guess the concept that the author has guessed (and what even he himself doesn’t know, but wants).
My obscure expectations:
The main directions are:
It is a concept that is neccesery must to become a serial. A production run of about (200 - 50,000 units).
Something very cool, from the list presented here.
Something ordinary, but interesting.
Something extravagant, and does not have to be released on the streets of the city.
The winner can be absolutely anyone, because only the project will be strictly evaluated, and how outstanding - uncommon it is.
If a shoe suddenly comes up for consideration, it most likely won’t take the first place, as it can’t move on its own (and actually does not in general).
In general, in this unpredictable challenge, the winner becomes that who was hitted in the target best (and I like this format).
My evaluation is organized as follows:
- Appearance scores (absolute progressive scale 0 - 10) + interior scores (relative scale [1 - 10]) + build files - total absence of math and maximum subjective preferences.
So, I assume that in a challenge of this kind absolutely no complex calculations will be made, except for personal degustators evaluation.
The Challenge is open for 16 - 24 days.