Modifying springs stiffness setting on a 1946 car worsens the stats

While adjusting the suspension of the first car of a light campaign beginning in 1946, I noticed that modifying spring stiffness seem to worsen my car’s stats. Changing any other aspect of the suspension tuning (even trying to modify camber, which shouldn’t do anything given that my car features a solid axle coil suspension both front and rear) bring the stats back up.

After modifying spring stiffness.

After modifying some other aspect of the suspension tuning then turning it back to what it was. Notice the same suspension tuning as the other screenshot yet different stats.

Even on a solid rear axle you can make small adjustments IRL. Up to a degree or 1.5.
Front axle, on a rear wheel drive vehicle, can be adjusted however you want.

Could you export your car (for sharing) and upload the .car file here so that we can take a look at and fix the behavior you are describing?

Of course. Here is the affected car.

Walker - SE (29.5 KB)