If anyone ever figures out how to mod Automation, post your info here
Well, you need the asset tool to open the databases, which isn’t publicly released. YET.
We will release mod tools eventually though.
About all you can do for now is replace the explosion sprites with nyan cats
I really like that YET. One question, will it be simple to mod? Like to add new manufacturers and new car names, etc?
Some things might be simple to mod, a lot of the code behind it is LUA which is pretty easy. Adding new engine parts/car parts etc is pretty hellishly complex though
It’s the programming language Automation is written in.
Well, not Automation itself of course, but all scripts and UI stuff LUA will be the modding interface… this is basically everything that isn’t hard-coded into the game.
Damn…I’m probably the only person here which knows a lot of coding languages and modelling software but doesn’t know how to do either.
Yeah, bascially everything about how the game works is LUA (as in not the low level kind of graphics engine/networking etc. stuff, thats all C++)
So I’m guessing a standard Lua editor wont work then?
Damn wish there were more mods :’(
There are mods - to close this thread…
Next time dont try to post in a thread that is 2 years old and pretty much dead.