My C4 II Exclusive 1.9

Hey guys,

I’ve got that ride now for a year, it has a nice engine (1.9 Turbo Diesel 160 HP), a lot of nice option such has Board computer and nice leather/fabric Sits. Unfortunately my cellphone decided to dies on me, so i’ll post official pics for now, but will post real ones as soon as possible:

Same model and color:

Same interior:

The looks are fantastic,but have you broken down yet? my next door neighbour as a 2009 c4 and is on his 3rd gear box (automatic)fortunatley for him all under warrenty.
next door but 2 have a 2010 c6 (very comfy drive its like being on a air cushion) but recently developed a pretty bad vibration through the steering,after 3 trips to the dealer they decided to change the steering rack and so far all ok but id be worried sick. hope i don’t put you off. :slight_smile: