Hey guys! (Just to mention in advance, this post contains some large pictures. If this is a problem and you would like me to resize them, just ask!)
So, as many of you already know, I used to play Automation, and do the AutomationHub streams using a very crappy HP laptop, which I never stopped bitching about.
Well, I’ve been a good boy this year and Santa brought me everything I wanted, so I’m proud to bring to you, my new PC!
Here are the specs. We’ll get into the pictures after!
CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K - currently running at 3.7Ghz since I’m using the stock cooler.
GPU: Gigabyte Radeon R9 270 Overclocked - Great card for the price, also looks nice in plain black.
RAM: HyperX Fury 8GB - In a beautiful white!
Motherboard: MSI A78M-E45 - very nice looking board, and very overclock friendly!
HDD: WD Caviar Blue 1TB 7200rpm - does what it says on the tin really!
Case: Corsair Graphite Series 230T (Orange) I was adamant that I wanted an orange case, because again, as some of you know, orange is my favourite colour! So I was delighted when I found that Corsair made one that was just perfect!
Monitors: 2x BenQ GL2250 I went with two 22" monitors so that I can edit videos and do live streams with much more convenience, and these monitors are 1080p and have a 2ms response time too!
PSU: Corsair CX500M I just wanted a modular PSU from a reputable brand, so there it is!
Now. Time for the pics of the BUILD! Just keep in mind this is my very first PC build, so I may have done things slightly unusually, or out of proper practice.
First thing I did was lay out all the boxes and took a picture! (minus the case, but you will see that later!) Then I went ahead and installed the power supply and hard drive in the case in advance, but there’s no pics of that.
I didn’t take any pics of the CPU install, but I just want to say that installing the CPU was the scariest part of the build. The pins were MUCH less delicate than I thought, so it worked out okay in the end. Installing the cooler was a big faff though, I thought I had it the wrong way, but I couldn’t get it off the CPU, so luckily it was actually the right way around.
The RAM was the most satisfying part to install, and damn isn’t it beautiful!
Then the board went into the case, and the GPU was installed. At the first attempt of mounting the board in the case, I actually had the board the wrong way and thought I would have to rearrange the standoffs, I even failed to notice the back ports were facing the left side of the case!
Then it was time to wire everything up and try a first boot. And, amazingly, it worked first time!
I’ll skip through all the OS install and drivers malarkey, and get to the other random pictures!
Here’s the makeshift setup I had in my kichen while I made sure everything was working correctly:
Then it was time to unbox my second monitor and move everything up to my bedroom, and voila! Here’s my setup as it stands today! Unfortunately I can’t use my 2nd monitor yet, as I need a DVI cable because my GPU doesn’t support VGA.
Cheers and thanks for reading! Let me know your opinions!